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Helping our Roachey Heal from Breast Cancer

  • A difficult update to give....

      16 August 2024
    Posted by: Rochelle Hollowood
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    This week, we received devastating news that no family ever wants to hear. Roch’s cancer has turned out to be highly aggressive. Despite a successful surgery, the cancer has spread beyond the original site and has now progressed to stage four, which is currently considered incurable. This is a heartbreaking blow for Roch and all who love and care for her.

    Given Roch's youth and the bright future she has ahead, it’s crucial to focus on a treatment plan that includes hormonal treatment and other therapies aimed at slowing the disease's progression. With chemotherapy no longer an option, Roch will need to rely on natural therapies and specialised care.

    As Roch is no longer able to work, the financial strain is significant. We’re incredibly grateful for the support we’ve received so far. To help Roch through this challenging time, we kindly ask everyone to share Roch’s 'Givealittle' page widely to spread the word.

    We are also organising a fundraiser soon and would really appreciate your help. If you’re interested in assisting with the event or if you know of any businesses that might be willing to donate prizes for a raffle or auction, please get in touch.

    The funds raised will go towards essential expenses, including:

    - An updated diabetes monitor (Dexcom7)

    - Travel expenses

    - Natural supplements and naturopathy appointments

    - Treatments such as Vitamin C infusions, mistletoe therapy, and oxygen therapy

    Warm Regards,

    Nicki & Lee (Rochies Sisters)

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    • 18/08/2024 by Jacqueline

      I would love to help out at the fundraiser event… please email or add me on Facebook xx

  • Latest update and plans ❤️

      19 July 2024
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    There have been a few more updates..

    Roachey had her surgery on the 23 June and of the 38 lymph nodes they removed, 13 were cancerous which means the cancer has been growing despite her best efforts to keep it at bay.

    She had an emergency CT scan and is scheduled to have an MRI within the next week to see if the cancer has spread anywhere else in her body. We really hope it hasn’t.

    She will begin chemotherapy, starting August 1st. They will “hit her hard” with this, doing their best to get it.

    Roachey is feeling really tired and depleted and scared. She is also feeling hopeful, grateful and positive that it will all be okay.

    Sometimes Roachey just wishes she could wake up from this nightmare.

    I do to.

    This is hard.

    Watching your best friend receive news she just doesn’t deserve to hear is soul crushing.

    She is one of the best kinds of people on this planet and it makes no sense that she has to fight to be here, when the world should really be fighting to keep her.

    Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

    We can not lose our girl.

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  • An update from Roachey ❤️

      19 July 2024
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    Since the day I found out I had breast cancer… which was confirmed to me on my 37th birthday.. I found the best way to explain it is, being taken to a roller coaster ride.. one that looks terrifying one you can’t see the tracks, how high it is where it’s going and when it ends… been told to sit down and then been strapped into the harness and locked in… no choice but to go on the ride and hope for the best.

    Thank you to all those that have messaged me, called me reached out to check in and encourage me, wish me the best had me in your thoughts and prayers that love has been felt and really strengthened me and helped me get through some really hard days.

    I’m so sorry I haven’t got back to people that have messaged me and donated money but please know that those messages and your love and support have meant the world to me.. and I will get back to you as soon as I have the energy and time.

    Love to you all. Look after your health.

    Roachey xx

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