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Help Me to Help Others in Need I would like to get Health Treatment Equipment to Treat others Help Others regain Health & Live

$63 of $80,000 goal
Given by 4 generous donors in around 6 months

When you are Crying cause no one can help! You feel you have tried all the options. Told to go away , no one listens Help is here!

Hawke's Bay

Every one has the right to choose what kind of Health Care they I now understand why people as in donators cannot see what is right in Front of them, Nigel Latta explains in his program The Politically Incorrect Guide To Grown Up's, how Humans cannot see the Evidence when it is right in front of them, Your Brain only see's what it expects to see, so it does not surprise me that you cannot understand how this will save lives and reduce the Hospital waiting lists.

This is proven to work, any thing that has been proven to work against Cancer and other nasty Diseases should be given serious consideration, don't you think? I do............. please help me to get at least $10,000 to get 1 Rife in NZ to help others.

I would not of Believed it , unless I had gone through this & did my research.

Just found out that Cancer can be stopped before it turns into a killer Tumor, Clinical PROVEN documented tests from the past, hidden by Greed and Corruption, want to know more read on, or is the Truth not allowed to be voiced?

Do you want to have Chemotherapy , Radiation?

I don't - you should not need to either. FDA- US are using their version against GBM. Glioblastoma multiforme, Deadliest & most common Brain Tumors in the US.

“Like when a Opera singer reaches a high pitch and shatters a glass”

“Micro-organisms shatters when their frequency is reached”

The money you have given to all the sick folks on this site, should be used to purchase True-Rife machines to have around the country to prevent & treat illnesses.

I have been sick for years, been told by Doctors & Specialists to go away & Live with the conditions, Made to Cry by a Doctor, when she told me what I had felt , could not of Happened! But it had I felt it.

I thought I was dying, the life been sucked out of me & it was... No one believed me.....Until I decided to try a therapy that has started to change my life for the better.

I want to buy this Equipment from overseas & use it to help more people & Whanau regain some of their Health & lives back.

Please help me to purchase this & help others, thank -you in Advance.

My mother, passed away from Cancer when I was 21, she was diagnosed the day before my wedding, she was very ill as she didn't want to tell me and by the time she did and I took her to the doctors , who rushed mum for Xrays it was to late, I remember looking at the Xrays in the doctors room, seeing the dark horrible images, a few weeks after the wedding my mum passed away with me in her room and the loss I felt , I will never forget.

Am crying as I write this..... I never want any one to go through the grief of losing a loved one before their due time like I have.

More than once my Symptoms were dismissed .

I thought I was dying , the life being sucked out of me. No one believed me.... until I came across a Therapy that has made a change to my life & I want to bring this therapy to those who need it.

After Years of running to the Toilet, not making it a few times, the embarrassment.... After 1 treatment this has started to improve... Do you know how amazed I felt, wow

Years of not sleeping..... After 1 Therapy I only got up during the night 3 times ...big improvement.

Major Head Pain and discomfort...Doctors scans showed up nothing... wouldn't use dye in the Scans, didn't believe me.....After Therapy, my Head ...well you just might not believe me so I will tell you another time if your interested.(Actually I have Flukes sliding around in me)

I am waging a War against my Health issue's, using a program that's working & destroying the causes , each week I get better,.... I want to be able to help others like me, that have been told by the Health Practitioners to live with it, similar to me - that there are other causes that need to be addressed which may help them to get better & change their Life for the better.

Helen Parkinson's involvement (page creator)

I want to be able to Employ Staff that are trained in this field of Resonance therapy, Scan and give Therapy to Individuals, which comes at a cost & I need Help & funding to get the equipment from overseas to New Zealand & set up a Business premises which can treat locals as well as possibly having a Mobile unit going around Educating Communities giving Therapy where needed & get Funding from Charities, to enable ongoing Better health to those who can & cannot normally afford to pay without causing hardship to them & their Whanau.

The Scan's & Therapy are Non Intrusive, the problem I cannot afford to fund this myself, I need help-

I need lovely people that have Open minds & willing to understand that this is going to enhance peoples quality of life & isn't that the most important thing,

To live Life as well as you are able.... I need $10,000 to get one Rife machine in NZ, lets get it here, Please help Me to help Others, Thanking you in Advance

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FDA -U.S Food & Drug Administration use for years, why not NZ??  19 January 2016

Twenty Minutes of your time is all it takes

Western Medicine as we have been programmed to follow , only after weeks, months, years of begging for help, when you know something is wrong and not listened too!

-only finds the end results of the damage that has been done by these Micro-organisms, then you are faced with horrible outcomes. - Rife can still help when found.

True-Rife on the other hand , Finds these Micro-Organisms when they are tiny, before they have caused damage, like tumors or worse.

Wouldn't you rather kill them off before they try do the same to you?

Twenty minutes of your time for a Rife scan is all it takes, to know.?

FDA , formerly AMA , (U.S Food & Drug Administration) have been using this kind of therapy for YEARS, why not use it in NZ? True-Rife ,

AMA is its old name, in the 1920' now called the FDA.

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 Dec 2015
Barb on 28 Oct 2015
Awesome cause that gives immediate results for a heathly body. Also includes weight loss and good for all types of ailments. Many thanks
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Oct 2015
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Guest Donor on 21 Oct 2015
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Guest Donor on 20 Oct 2015

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Helen Parkinson
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This campaign started on 13 Oct 2015 and ended on 12 Apr 2016.