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Help Me to Help Others in Need I would like to get Health Treatment Equipment to Treat others Help Others regain Health & Live

  • FDA -U.S Food & Drug Administration use for years, why not NZ??

      19 January 2016

    Twenty Minutes of your time is all it takes

    Western Medicine as we have been programmed to follow , only after weeks, months, years of begging for help, when you know something is wrong and not listened too!

    -only finds the end results of the damage that has been done by these Micro-organisms, then you are faced with horrible outcomes. - Rife can still help when found.

    True-Rife on the other hand , Finds these Micro-Organisms when they are tiny, before they have caused damage, like tumors or worse.

    Wouldn't you rather kill them off before they try do the same to you?

    Twenty minutes of your time for a Rife scan is all it takes, to know.?

    FDA , formerly AMA , (U.S Food & Drug Administration) have been using this kind of therapy for YEARS, why not use it in NZ? True-Rife ,

    AMA is its old name, in the 1920' now called the FDA.

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  • If you think you don't have Parasites you had better watch this

      30 October 2015

    I just came across this, its a real awaking call if you think your ok and have no parasites then you had better watch this.

    Every thing this Man talks about I have felt, and now my life has improved, no longer am I feeding them, but are you ? have you had a scan for parasites? and a total scan, not one that only picks up a small percentage of them.....

    The "Rife" I am raising money for will help with the control and regular checkup scans to maintain a healthy Body..... Lets try and get more here in NZ aren't you worth the chance.

    Think of the money you save when your food bill drops :) I noticed a difference

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  • Costings information

      29 October 2015

    Wellness Hubs

    Rife , F-177, GRS Scanner, Package $11,000 each

    Tararua & Hawkes Bay $22,000.00

    Chairs, easy to clean -wipe down , comfy ones. $ 3,000.00

    Start up costs for Hastings Home stays $ 5,000.00

    Start up costs for office side of running this $ 2,000.00

    Costs for Insurance and other set up costs, I have costed for

    each location, Rent, power, phone I have allowed total of $ 6,000.00

    Heating, four Heaters , two at each location @400.00 $ 1,600.00

    as we all know you need to be warm

    Alternative Complementary Care $1,000.00 approximately costs for a course of Therapy more therapy sessions may be needed.

    The Balance would help cover costs / off set the costs of Therapy for those who cannot afford it.

    Any Help would be gratefully received.

    Freedom of Therapy, To give to others , Complementary Health, Educate People.

    I would not of believed this could work unless I had gone through it.

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  • My Dream insight

      29 October 2015

    Welcome Back,

    I feel like I haven’t given you a insight to my Vision, so here goes..........

    I understand the feeling of illness and the pain of feeling you have no where to turn , when you have been told you have searched all avenues and there is nothing there or worse.........

    I would never lie about anything like this, I have felt Pain from losing Loved ones, Pain from knowing something was wrong inside of me.....

    My Goals are ....

    To have Wellness Hubs in as many places in New Zealand as I am Possibly able to, Starting with the Tararua District & Hawke’s Bay.....You may think gosh she is greedy , but wait I am not , I am concerned with the many people who have and will given the wrong diagnosis, and will become very very ill and even Die, unnecessary - Do you want this to happen? I don't !

    So lets step up and make this happen.

    I want to be able to go around and educate people on how the simple things that are over looked can make a huge difference.

    The Base in Tararua, will be nice and central , this will have a room for

    Alternative Complementary Therapy Wellness Hubs.

    The Base in Hawke’s Bay will be in Hastings, my dream for this location is to be able to give Alternative Complementary Therapy in a Home Atmosphere where those who are from outer areas can come with a support person and stay on sight while they have a course of Alternative Complementary Therapy without the worry of costs of this Alternative Therapy and for staying away from home at a very stressful time.

    I am planning to keep on fundraising so those who need help the most who cannot afford to pay for Alternative Complementary Therapy will have some where to turn and will also have a place to be able to in someway donate back to the cause if and when they can.

    There is going to be a form that people will need to read and sign , they will need to apply for Hardship just like any other, guidelines will be met to ensure the ongoing help is given to those in need.

    Then More Wellness Hubs will be located around our Kiwi Land and little by little it will grow into a new way of Alternative Complementary Therapy Health care along side Main Stream Health care as we presently know it.

    So this is My Dream - Helen

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  • Scans, before treatments began, then another Scan after Treatments and a Detox,

      22 October 2015
    Main image

    I thought I would mention the Scans, My first one is Before I had any treatments, then a Detox and followed by another scan, The first Scan showed up 19 Nasty types inside of me, after Treatments and the Detox, the list showed only TWO Types left,

    WOW what a difference it has made to my Health, My Bowel Functions have improved, no longer do I have to Rush to the Toilet, that's been years of running and mishaps this has now finally changed for he better.

    My Skin on my Hands has stopped shredding, I am still having sore Head movement, as I know whats going on, I just wait for the next treatments, all will be killed soon, and I cannot believe what a change this has made to my Quality of Life,

    I have the Proof in Pictures in the Gallery, This first scan photo shows all the nasty ones, the Latest scan is in the Gallery,

    I have also included photos of my Hands, I was told to go and live with my hands peeling away, nothing much could be done, now they are like Baby soft to touch and no longer peeling.

    Thank you for Taking the Time to read and to Help Others also regain their Quality of Life.

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