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9 year old suffers serious burns

  • Getting stronger everyday

      18 March 2024
    Posted by: Kellie Parker
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    Louie has started back at school 3 mornings a week and getting back to spending time in the great outdoors

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    • 19/03/2024 by Sally

      Louie, you dear boy, you're looking great. So delighted you're back with your mates and enjoying some outside fun.

      - Thank you for the update. I admire the strength and love which your family has shown. I wish you all a wonderful future. xx

    • 19/03/2024 by Dianna


  • Home in time for Christmas

      27 December 2023
    Posted by: Kellie Parker
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    After 3 nights last week at Ronald Mcdonald House we were given the green light to head home to Hokitika.

    So very grateful to each and every one who have helped our family over the past 2 months to get to this stage.

    So very happy to have had Christmas Day at home and a break before we ready ourselves to face the ongoing appointments and future surgeries.

    Thank you all so very much.

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  • Latest Update From Whanau

      16 December 2023
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    After 7 weeks and 16 trips to theatre our time at Middlemore Hospital has come to an end (for now) and we are back in Christchurch Hospital.

    So happy to be closer to home for the next phase of Louie's recovery.

    Once again we are so so grateful to each and every one of you for all your kindness and generosity.

    Ki te mihi ki nga tangata mo to ratou atawhai

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    • 16/12/2023 by Sally

      So very happy to know Louie is in Chch and hence closer to home. What an extremely brave young man and my admiration of him couldn’t be higher. - I wish Louie and his family an especially wonderful Christmas with special thoughts and wishes to Louie for the coming year and ongoing healing. 💕

  • Latest Whanau Update

      30 November 2023

    After a marathon 8 hours in theatre, Louie is once again in the ICU for recovery....he will be back to theatre again tomorrow for post op checks and dressing change which will determine how long he will need to be sedated and ventilated in ICU.Thank you all so much ❤️

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  • Latest Update from Whanau ❤️

      17 November 2023
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    As the journey in Middlemore Hospital continues we would like to start with sharing some positive news:

    There has been no damage to his beautiful eyes and his vision ❤️

    He is now able to talk ❤️

    He has started eating small amounts of food ❤️

    He has started light physio❤️

    After 2 more minor surgeries this week and assessment by the plastics team our precious boy will be now reserving all his energy for a major 7 hour surgery scheduled in 10 days with dressing changes and checks along the way.

    Again we would like to express our gratitude to everyone who is thinking of us at this time.

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  • Latest Update from Whanau

      10 November 2023

    Another massive week for our wee guy,Surgery number six on Monday uncovered some issues which means the progress will be slower than first thought.The set back means the family will be at Middlemore Hospital alot longer than was first expected.

    Today was surgery number 7 and our little darling is now resting in preparation for surgery number 8 on Monday.

    We are so very grateful to all who have contributed to the fund,our family, friends and strangers alike and just knowing we are in people's thoughts keeps us going❤️

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  • Latest update from Whanau

      3 November 2023

    Our little mate is receiving platinum care at middlemore hospital and operation number 5 has taken place today.Over the next few weeks there is some major surgery to take place and we thank each and every one of you for prayers,messages, the generous donations and the kohas.The outpouring of love and kindness is helping us get through each day ❤️

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  • Latest update from Whanau

      27 October 2023

    Our wee darling has been flown to Middlemore Hospital in Auckand to the specialised Burns unit❤️

    The family is over whelmed by the support they have received and thank you all from the bottom of their hearts 💕

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