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Homer needs a life saving surgery!

  • Closing in on 1/3 of the way!

      3 January 2024
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    Homer had a great New Year's and we have been blown away at the donations we've received so far.

    We've been in contact with Massey and could be looking at surgery at the end of January if we can raise enough money to fund it.

    Homer is feeling great on his meds and prescription diet and is full of energy - we've had zoomies throughout our house while he plays with his favourite Christmas toy - a squeaky rubber bone 🤣

    Thank you so much to everyone who has donated ❤️

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  • Merry Christmas from Homer

      27 December 2023
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    Homer has had a great Christmas so far and is currently stable on medication while we continue to raise money for his surgery. Thank you so much to everyone who has already donated and shared his story!

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  • Regarding cost of surgery...

      22 December 2023

    In an attempt to establish as soon as possible whether it's going to be feasible for Homer to have his surgery, I am working off a rough cost estimate that may change. Once we have completed a referral to Massey and received an official estimate of costs I will link it here.

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