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Honor the 51 lives lost, by Empowering 51 lives in a Developing Country

on 30 Oct 2019

Stephanie asks

Hello, Bariz

As a donor, I would love to hear how your project plans are progressing. Change for our Children donated $10,000.00 and we sincerely support your objectives. Making things happen can be difficult, but we would love to hear how children, in particular, might bebenefitting form your efforts.

I look forward to hearing from you and best wishes.



Kia Ora Stephanie, it is wonderful to hear from you and your community. We want to take this opportunity to thank you once again for your support.

We have created an Instagram page that will go live very soon and we will set up a FB page as well which will be dedicated to posting updates. It will be named 'The Forgotten Ones'. We are leaving to Afghanistan very soon and look forward to capturing the changes that was made possible through your organization.

Change for the Children will also be sent guests of honor invitations to the premiere of the film we plan to make by March 2020 in collaboration with an NZ based producer.

We look forward to meeting with you in the near future, until then, take care and God Bless.

Bariz & Saba

Bariz Shah

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