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Honour The Maunga - Stop the Removal of 345 Exotic Trees from Mt Albert

  • Honour the Maunga's 4th Anniversary But Our Job's Not Yet Done

      29 November 2023
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    It was recently the fourth anniversary since Honour the Maunga formed to save Ōwairaka Mt Albert's 345 non-native trees from destruction. Nearly all of those trees are still there but they are by no means safe. Auckland Council will soon be considering its Ten Year budget and we will be advocating for that budget not to allocate money to felling the maunga trees. We'll let you know when it's time to do a submission.

    Thanks so much for your support to date; we couldn't have achieved what we have without you.

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  • Thanks so much for your support!

      20 July 2022
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    Thanks to everyone who has donated to support Honour the Maunga's tree saving efforts. Things may have gone our way in court recently, but the win does not guarantee the trees' safety in the longer term.

    At present we are focusing on supporting maunga tree-friendly mayoral and Auckland Council / Local Board candidates. Recent donations received via Givealittle will be used to run a Facebook advertising campaign in August-September to let people know where the candidates stand on this issue, so they can make informed voting decisions.

    We're updating our website as information about their views comes to hand, so keep an eye on this page for up-to-the-minute updates:

    Best wishes

    The Honour the Maunga team

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  • The judicial decision has been delivered - what this means for the maunga trees and Honour the Maunga

      7 March 2022
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    After maintaining a daily tree protection vigil (Covid permitting) at Ōwairaka / Mt Albert for more than 800 days Honour the Maunga is standing down after Saturday 12 March following the unanimous Court of Appeal judgment that means the trees are safe for now.

    The decision found Tūpuna Maunga Authority (TMA) had acted unlawfully by failing to consult with the public over its decision to fell Ōwairaka’s exotic trees. It also concluded Auckland Council acted unlawfully by not publicly notifying the tree felling resource consent. However, the decision also leaves the door open for the TMA to fell the trees in future, provided the consultation obligations are met.

    Furthermore, the TMA has also publicly signalled its intention to challenge the decision and/or effect a law change to undermine it. This means the trees’ long-term safety is NOT guaranteed.

    However, there is no longer a need for Honour the Maunga to remain continue our daily vigil at Ōwairaka / Mt Albert because the trees are safe for the foreseeable future.

    Thanks for your support and donations over the past 2+ years - it has been much appreciated. But please do keep donating because that will enable us to continue on with campaigns to raise the public's awareness around the issue.

    Although we are ending our physical presence Honour the Maunga will continue advocating for the maunga trees and we are poised to act quickly should there be any move to fell them. Furthermore, we will be campaigning to raise awareness in this year’s local body elections regarding which Auckland Mayoral, Councilor and Local Board candidates do and do not support saving the maunga trees.

    We are and have always been an environmentally-focused organisation but along the way have become aware of how the people of Aucklands' voices are being not only ignored but actively silenced by many elected representatives – especially those on the Authority - and unelected parties. This is a big problem that goes way beyond the maunga tree issue.

    TMA and Auckland Council have demonstrated destructive, divisive co-governance and we believe valuable lessons can be learned so that this kind of toxic situation can be prevented in any future co-governance arrangements. The Authority has acted in very poor faith in many ways, including misleading the public about its true intentions for the maunga, and deliberately weaponising and inflaming racial tensions to distract attention from its own behaviours.

    We are therefore highly sceptical that any future consultation about the trees will be in good faith or representative of true democracy by either the Authority or the Council.

    The upcoming local body elections present an important opportunity to let the people of Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland who care about the maunga trees’ future to take action at the ballot box so that hopefully the next Mayor and elected representatives will treat the Auckland community and its natural environment with more integrity.

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  • Still no word on the Judicial Review Appeal decision - phew!

      24 December 2021
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    Given what happened last year, with the unfavourable Judicial Review decision being delivered on 23 December, we were worried that history could repeat itself with the appeal decision.

    As is the case with everyone - particularly those of us in Auckland - it's been a tough year and we are relieved that we haven't been put in a position of having to gear back up into running a 24 x 7 occupation at this time of year. Until the decision is delivered we will continue to maintain a part-time daily (where possible) presence at Ōwairaka / Mt Albert.

    Although we can relax over the holiday period knowing Ōwairaka's trees remain safe for now, the same can't be said for trees on Ōtāhuhu / Mt Richmond and Puketāpapa / Mt Roskill because non-notified resource consents are active for both. Communities local to those maunga are keeping a very close eye out for any signs that the chainsaws are coming out and we will of course be there to support them if that happens.

    If you haven't already done so, you can sign up to a text alert if the trees on any maunga are in imminent danger (you can select which one/s you can be alerted for). Follow this link to get on the alert list:

    In the meantime, we wish you and your loved ones all the best for a happy and relaxing festive season. Thanks for so generously donating to our tree saving cause; your generosity has been much appreciated.

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  • Countering some of the maunga tree fake news

      14 September 2021
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    Thanks so much to everyone who has so generously donated to our tree-saving cause. Your support is hugely appreciated.

    Covid may have kept us away from our daily presence at the maunga, but it hasn't dampened our burning determination to save the trees.

    We are still awaiting the Judicial Review appeal decision, although it is possible that the Lockdown could have slowed that process down.

    In the meantime, misinformation about the situation continues to circulate. Here are some facts to counter some of the fake news out there.

    FICTION: Keeping the maunga exotics prevents natives being planted

    FACT: Planting plans show, for the most part, natives will not be planted in areas currently inhabited by non-native trees, so there is no environmental reason why the non-natives cannot stay. Keeping them will provide windbreaks for the native plantings, and ongoing protection for the multitude of self-sown native seedlings already growing under their protective cover.

    FICTION: They are Mana Whenua’s maunga; they can do what they want with them

    FACT: The maunga are owned by collective of 13 iwi and hapū but the Treaty settlement required them to be held in trust for the benefit of that collective and “all other people of Auckland”. They cannot be sold or developed as housing, and are subject to Reserves Act provisions. The collective’s decision to make the maunga accessible to everyone was a pragmatic one because the Treaty settlement would have stalled without that guarantee.

    Please note that Honour the Maunga’s concerns are solely environmental ones. We have NO position on this – or any other – Treaty settlement.

    FICTION: Just because the public are allowed to access the maunga does not mean they can decide what happens on it

    FACT: The Authority administers the maunga lands but does not own them. It is a ratepayer-funded co-governance organisation. Half of its members are Auckland Council representatives who are appointed to represent all Auckland residents. If they must not have any say on behalf of the public, then why are they there? This question drives to the heart of what the “co” in co-governance actually means.

    FICTION: The Authority’s plans will result in stunning native forest stands on the various maunga

    FACT: Planting plans show there is no intention to “cloak” Tāmaki Makaurau’s maunga in forests. Instead, there will be limited areas of plantings largely comprising low-growing species such as grasses, flaxes and shrubs. The end result will be mostly bare looking maunga with small areas of intensive plantings on the lower slopes.

    Documents show the Authority intends for the maunga eventually to look like the bare pa sites of old.

    FICTION: If you want to save the maunga trees then you must be a racist

    FACT: Maunga tree protectors come from all ethnicities and walks of life, including Māori. If standing up for Papatūānuku / Mother Earth automatically qualifies us all as racists, then so be it.

    FICTION: Retaining the non-natives is retaining an “archaic colonist ideal”

    FACT: What utter nonsense – just ask the tūī , kereru (wood pigeon), kākā, rurū (morepork) and pīwakawaka (fantail) who routinely use the maunga non-natives as food, homes and shelter.

    If the Authority succeeds in destroying around 2500 healthy mature non-native trees, then where will the birds and other lifeforms who relied upon them be expected to live, roost and eat in the 50-100 years it will take for the tiny number of newly-planted native tree species to reach maturity?

    Non-native trees aren’t “colonist ideals”; they are trees; trees that help mitigate climate change and provide us all with oxygen.

    IMAGE CAPTION: There are some talented photographers among Honour the Maunga's supporters. One of them, Sharon Jones, recently took this amazing photo of a kotare / kingfisher sitting in one of Ōwairaka's Japanese cherry trees. We're not sure how it managed to down its huge lunch!

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  • The maunga tree protection battle continues!

      15 June 2021

    Thanks for supporting Honour the Maunga’s tree-saving efforts on Ōwairaka / Mt Albert.

    Your generous donations have helped the cause in many ways including enabling us to undertake a social media awareness raising advertising campaign, producing information signs and brochures, renting a portacabin, and general costs associated with maintaining a long-term daily presence at the maunga. It is a surprisingly expensive exercise!

    More than 550 days have passed since we first swung into action to save 345 exotic trees and all the lifeforms they support, and we have continued to advocate strongly for the trees ever since. Our Ōwairaka / Mt Albert efforts have been pivotal to saving over 2000 exotic trees on Auckland’s other volcanic cones.

    As many of you know, last year's Judicial Review found in favour of Tūpuna Maunga Authority and Auckland Council's decision to fell all of Ōwairaka's exotic trees on a non-notified basis because "the effects would be less than minor" (!). The decision is being appealed and will will be heard in the Court of Appeal (Auckland) on 20 and 21 July.

    An Honour the Maunga representative will attend the hearing and we will keep you posted. The decision is unlikely to be delivered for some months - hopefully not right on Christmas as was the case with the Judicial Review decision.

    We thank the Judicial Review Appeal applicants, Warwick and Averil Norman, from the bottom of our hearts for their bravery and incredible generosity towards the environment.

    Regardless of the outcome, we will continue our tree-saving endeavours until we know the trees are safe.

    In the meantime, a non-notified resource consent has been issued for felling Mt Roskill / Puketāpapa’s exotic trees, and one is in the pipeline for Mt Richmond / Ōtāhuhu. Community groups have formed to protect the trees on those maunga.

    We are actively supporting those groups with advice, awareness raising activities and also sharing materials we have produced (e.g. signage, brochures, etc.). You, our generous donors, have helped make this possible and your ongoing support is valued. Thank you.

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  • The fight to save the maunga trees is not over!

      16 March 2021

    Firstly, a big thank you to all of the generous people who have donated to support our tree-saving cause. Your support is helping us to continue our ongoing presence on Ōwairaka / Mt Albert, and to campaign to raise public awareness of ratepayer funded Tūpuna Maunga Authority's plans to destroy some 2500 exotic trees on Auckland's maunga (volcanic cones).

    Here's the latest news:

    Key developments over the past few months (all covered in the News page on our website at ) have included the Judicial Review decision, which was delivered right on Christmas. Talk about the Grinch coming to town! The decision could not have been any worse from a tree saving perspective. Fortunately for Ōwairaka / Mt Albert, the Judicial Review applicants are appealing the decision, with the hearing scheduled for later in the year.

    However, Tūpuna Maunga Authority is playing hardball and refused to give an undertaking that the trees would not be felled or otherwise harmed before the Appeal decision is delivered. This forced the Applicants to apply for an injunction in the Auckland High Court. Fortunately the injunction was successful, which means Ōwairaka's trees are safe for now. BUT - and it's a big but - trees on other maunga are not safe.

    This is evidenced by Auckland Council having approved the Authority's non-notified resource consent to fell 160 trees (around 60% of the total tree cover) on Mt Roskill / Puketapapa. We don't know when the felling will begin - it could be days...weeks or months. But it's clear the Authority intends to get rid of them.

    Another non-notified resource consent - this time for Mt Richmond / Ōtāhuhu - is in the final approval stages for felling 443 exotic trees (75% of its tree cover).

    Local woman Shirley Waru (Te Rarawa o Ngāpui / Te Uri o Tai) will be leading an occupation of that maunga when the chainsaws come out and Honour the Maunga is supporting her in every way we can.

    As you can see, our fight to save the maunga trees is not over so please continue to support our cause either through donations, writing Letters to the Editor, or by volunteering to help. Thank you :-)

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  • We still need your support to save Ōwairaka / Mt Albert's trees

      17 December 2020
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    More than a year has passed since Honour the Maunga first swung into action to save 345 healthy mature exotic trees from being felled on Ōwairaka / Mt Albert. In all, ratepayer-funded Tūpuna Maunga Authority plans to destroy around 2500 trees on Auckland's maunga.

    A Judicial Review was undertaken in relation to Ōwairaka's trees but the decision has not yet been delivered so we are likely to be here for a long while yet. But the good news is that all the trees and the lifeforms they support are still here!

    Thanks to everybody who has donated to our tree saving cause. Funds are starting to run low, so any further support would be greatly appreciated.

    See the video for an overview of what we have learned during the past year's tree-saving endeavours. An abridged transcript can be seen here:

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  • Tupuna Maunga Authority Took Away All Of Our Gear

      15 April 2020
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    Honour the Maunga did the right thing and stood down from our tree protection occupation of Owairaka / Mt Albert during Covid Level 4.

    Last night Tupuna Maunga Authority took advantage of our absence by sneaking in under the cover of darkness and taking absolutely everything from our base camp - tents, marquee, tables, chairs...the lot!

    Such non-essential activity is clearly in breach of the level 4 requirement but, yet again, the Authority has shown it thinks it is above the law.

    Fortunately our signs were safely stored off-site so we have put them up so we can retain a presence on the maunga through them.

    Our tents may be gone, but we are most definitely not!

    Honour the Maunga is more committed than ever to saving the trees on Owairaka / Mt Albert - and on other maunga too. Our occupation will continue once Covid requirements permit.

    We are in this for the long-haul so please support our tree-saving cause by donating.

    Many thanks

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  • A chance to tell Tūpuna Maunga Authority that you don't want them to cut down healthy, mature trees on Auckland's maunga

      25 February 2020
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    We really appreciate your donation to support Honour the Maunga's tree-saving efforts. So far your generosity has helped us to prevent Tūpuna Maunga Authority from felling 345 trees on Owairaka / Mt Albert. But the trees aren't safe yet!

    You can help stop the Authority from felling nearly 2000 trees on other Auckland’s volcanic cones (maunga) by giving feedback on the Authority’s Draft Operational Plan (i.e. its action plan for the coming year).

    Making a submission is easy and it can be as short – or as detailed – as you like.

    Visit to find out:

    * key dates

    * ways to make a submission

    * important information to include

    Don’t delay, submissions close soon so help save the trees by having your say!

    You can also help by making another donation, which will help fund our efforts to make sure as many people as possible know about the submission process.

    Thank you :-)

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  • Payee bank account changes

      8 January 2020

    Please be advised that the bank account details have changed for Honour The Maunga. This is because, as a recently formed grassroots community movement, we have not yet been able to open our own bank account.

    In the meantime, the chartered accounting firm ECOVIS has kindly agreed to receive our Givealittle funds into their trust account until we are able to open our own bank account.

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