Houston's battle with Leukaemia

$59,636 donated
Given by 560 generous donors in around 9 months

This page has been set up to provide financial assistance for Dean and Livie while caring for Houston as he is treated for leukaemia.

Onehunga, Auckland

On Sunday 27th August, Houston was admitted to Starship Hospital and was diagnosed with High Risk Acute Promyelocytic Myeloid Leukaemia (APML), a very rare form of blood cancer.

This has understandably been a huge shock to Dean, Livie and our families with Houston now having a long road to his recovery.

He will be admitted to Starship for weeks to months, having regular chemotherapy, monitoring and further investigations.

This sudden change has meant Livie is no longer in a position to work and Dean will have to take long periods of unpaid leave so they are able to care for Houston full time while he is in hospital. Their family is down to a single income and this been incredibly stressful at an already challenging time.

I have set up this page for any financial support that you are able to give them on this journey with Houston so they can take the time to be with him and not have to worry about the financial implications.

From the Gray and Collins families, we are very grateful for any support you can offer.

Jessica Gray's involvement (page creator)

I am Houston's Aunty Jess.

Use of funds

The funds will be paid directly into Dean and Livie's personal account and be spent on the families regular bills, expenses, provide anything Houston requires and allow them to take long periods of unpaid leave from work to care for Houston fulltime.

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Latest update

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Houston's last week of chemo!  30 April 2024

Our little champ has made it to his last week of chemotherapy!

Contemplating that Houston getting to this point has been huge for Dean, Livie and our families and we would like to thank everyone who has shown and continues to express their support.

Huey will complete this last week of chemotherapy treatment and if his following tests go well he will be able to have a small operation to remove his chest port and NG feeding tube.

The family can now look to better and brighter future, planning some much needed quality family time and transitioning Huey back into normal life.

You made it little man - we are so proud!!

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Latest donations

John on 30 Apr 2024
Jessica Gray

Thank you for your kind support John.

Jessica Gray
Sarita, Ladi and Zachary
Sarita, Ladi and Zachary on 30 Apr 2024
Well done Houston and parents. Love from your friend Zac who is excited to see you back at daycare soon.
Jessica Gray

Thank you for your lovely message, Huey is really looking forward to seeing Zac and his daycare friends soon!

Jessica Gray
Sunil on 16 Apr 2024
Good luck mate,, you will fight thru
Jessica Gray

Thank you for your support Sunil, it is much appreciated.

Jessica Gray
Lara on 13 Apr 2024
Sending you all the love it the world. Congratulations guys x
Jessica Gray

Hi Lara thank you very much for your support!

Jessica Gray
Saili Family
Saili Family on 07 Apr 2024
Go Aunty Jess running the Montpellier Half Marathon. What an amazing achievement. Keep staying strong Huey! Such a brave boy! Sending our love from France, Frankie & Kyrie xx
Jessica Gray

Thank you so much for your ongoing support our Saili family! We are incredibly grateful. X

Jessica Gray

Who's involved?

Jessica Gray's avatar
Created by Jessica Gray
Olivia Gray's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Olivia Gray on behalf of Olivia, Dean and Houston
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This campaign started on 29 Aug 2023 and ended on 16 May 2024.