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Multiple sclerosis to Paralympics: pheonix rising.

$595 donated
Given by 11 generous donors in over a year

MS will not be my life sentence- help me get to the 2023 Oceanias and 2023 World cups in Belgium, Italy and The USA.


My name is Liz. I am a Paracyclist. Although this page is focused on my goal- I am only one part of this important cycling team that includes my coach Steve and my assistance dog Paddy. We have just come back from the 2022 Paracycling World Cup in Canada. It was awesome!

Now we are onto phase 2 but first this is my story;

I have Multiple Sclerosis. I’ve had it for just over 30 years. 5 years ago, I had more than 11 rounds of pneumonia, MS attacks, bleeding lungs and I had lymphocytopenia. Even the specialists were not sure I was going to survive. I had to use a wheelchair and I would become out of breath and cough up blood just from walking to the bathroom. 3 years ago, I met Steve Bale-my coach. Although I still couldn’t walk very well, and my lungs were still damaged; I started to relearn how to ride a bike. I was determined to start living again. I couldn’t ride more than 250m before I fell off. After a lot of hard work, coaching, time and crazy determination I am on my way!

Fast forward; this is my second give a little page (previous one We are now on track for the 2023 Oceanias in Australia and 2023 World Cups in Belgium, Italy and the USA. Please help us continue to get to the 2023 Oceanias, World Cups and the Ultimate goal of The 2024 Paralympics in Paris!

Use of funds

Travel, Accommodation, Food and Training

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New date  8 September 2023

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Dianna on 02 Sep 2023
Your awesome. Good luck on your journey.
Odonis on 15 Mar 2023
Liz, you are and will forever be one of my personal heroes. Go kill it 🙂 Look forward to cheering you on in Paris.
Sarah-Jane & Reuben
Sarah-Jane & Reuben on 14 Mar 2023
From Sarah-Jane and Reuben :)
Samantha on 13 Mar 2023
All your hard training will pay off. We are excited for you and this experience. Go get em! Fairweather family
Roberto on 13 Mar 2023

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Liz Gasson
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This campaign started on 13 Sep 2022 and ended on 8 Dec 2023.