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In the blink of an eye, everything changed

on 27 Jun 2023

Kylie asks

Hi, my name is Kylie and I am so sorry to hear about Melissa's diagnosis.

I work for a charity called TimeOut. We connect generous holiday homeowners all around the country who are willing to donate a stay to a person diagnosed with an incurable illness so that they can spend time together and make special memories with family & friends.

If you are interested in applying or just want to find out more, we would love to help if we can. Recipients can apply online at or email with any questions. Take care, Kylie

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on 7 Jul 2022

Paddy asks


If the kids want somthing to do to maybe take their minds off things, you can get in touch with Rotofobia and they kids can play our newest room for free! :)


Wow Paddy that is so thoughtful! I have passed the message on to Melissa so she can share it with the children. Ss kind! Im sure they will be stoked! x

yanne logan
on 1 Jul 2022

Paddy asks

No problem , is jpc peeps have to look out for each other !!

This question has not been answered yet.

on 1 Jul 2022

Paddy asks


Rotofobia escape rooms would like to donate an entire days profit to Melissa and her family. We will deposit the amount (whatever it will be) on 2/7/2022 tomorrow midnight.


It wouldn’t let me put that on the main page as it needed the dollar amount to which I don’t know until tomorrows cash up.


That is absolutely amazing! I have no words! How incredibly generous. We are so very grateful 🤗

yanne logan

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