The shocking cancer diagnosis no-one expected, leaves us all reeling, and reaching out for support for this wonderful solo Mum.
Bay of Plenty
Only a few weeks ago our beautiful friend was her usual bubbly self, today she struggles to draw breath, or move around her home.
Life has been turned completely upside down for our incredible friend Melissa (37), and for everyone who adores her.
A week after visiting her doctor with difficulty breathing Melissa was diagnosed with stage 4 Ovarian Cancer, which has rapidly spread to her lungs and other organs in her body.
It has been a devastating thing for everyone to process!
Melissa is so many wonderful things; a much loved daughter, a cherished little sister, an adored Aunty, a treasured friend, a caring kaiako, and an absolutely fabulous mother to her three young children. And so so much more, she's just a very magical and positive shining light in so many peoples lives.
Chemo treatments start this week for Melissa, and the next several months will include MASSIVE medical hurdles and procedures.
As Melissa is undergoing all this, we want to give her as much support as we possibly can, to help ease the stress of her everyday living, and daily care for her children. We cannot change this overwhelming path she is on, but we want to do our very best to make it as stress-free as we can.
We can't let our beautiful friend fight this alone!
If you would like to contribute to that care and support, we are all hugely grateful for any donation.
Thank you, from the very bottom of our hearts.
She is my favourite sparkling wild whacky friend.
Medical prescriptions, travel and accommodation where needed, everyday living, financial support for a solo Mama raising her Greatest Treasures.
Extended Donation Period 24 May 2023
Givealittle informed me there will be an end date for this page. I have extended it as far as I can to try and give Melissa and her family the best chance for as much financial aide as possible.
Thank you to all who have already so generously donated, it fills my heart with so much humble gratitude that you all care as greatly as you do. x
Thank you Nicola! I completely understand that sentiment x Your koha is so very much appreciated and is definitely helpful . <3
Thank you so much for your care and generosity, its so very much appreciated :)
You're absolutely right! Melissa is one of the grooviest chica's indeed xox Thanks for your Koha, it means so much!
Thank you so much Natalie. Your koha is so very much appreciated x
Thank you so much Tina <3