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In the blink of an eye, everything changed

  • Extended Donation Period

      24 May 2023

    Givealittle informed me there will be an end date for this page. I have extended it as far as I can to try and give Melissa and her family the best chance for as much financial aide as possible.

    Thank you to all who have already so generously donated, it fills my heart with so much humble gratitude that you all care as greatly as you do. x

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  • Milestones are a JOY!!!

      5 August 2022
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    Some days are absolutely awful, a complete write-off.

    No energy, insistent debilitating pain, lack of appetite, and the constant dragging fear of the unknown.

    Cancer sux! And Chemo sux more!

    But, some days are an absolute delight!!

    And last weekend had a real doozey of one of those days.

    BALL DAY!!!

    Melissa had the pleasure of helping her eldest child get all preened and primped for her first School Ball!

    After months of dress decisions, and fittings, and excited nerves, it was finally time for hair! make-up! corsages! pre-dates! photos photos photos!

    and the big event!!!

    And of course everyone was gorgeous!!!

    It was a long and tiring day but Melissa is a Super Mum who was there the whole way, supporting her girl through her big day.

    Milestones are a JOY! A very precious JOY indeed!

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  • Family is everything magical and good

      19 July 2022
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    Its been a fairly up and down time since my last update.

    After Melissa was finally able to manage the pain after Chemo, she was then hit with tonsillitis, and had a terrible allergic reaction to the antibiotics she was given for it.

    If that wasn't bad enough, her boy Avaani then came home wearing a moon boot after a painful basketball game.

    It seemed the madness just wouldn't let up for these guys!

    After clearing up the tonsillitis, and Avaani getting used to his clunky squeaky moon boot, life almost settled into a place of calm. FINALLY!

    Melissa has been comfortable, and happily surrounded by her gorgeous whanau for the past week.

    She has ventured out into the world a little, playing her favourite role of Mama, and has managed to steal a few sweet moments with friends.

    Last week Melissa was able to sit and read through all of your lovely messages of care and support and aroha.

    She has been absolutely floored by the pouring in of love!! And wants you all to know how infinitely grateful she is for ALL of it!

    Nephew from Australia arrived just before the weekend and so big delicious loving laughs and togetherness have been enjoyed by the Drysdale family over the weekend. They let us have a peek at their beautiful smiles!

    What a bunch huh!!!

    Yesterday was Melissa's second round of Chemo. They day was long and tiring but she was able to come home and spend time with the kids.

    Today she has slept most of the day, which is a wonderful thing, much needed and well deserved rest.

    Now we all just need to keep all our fingers and toes crossed that this time around is much kinder and easier on her. Help me.... cross everything!!

    She deserves a smooth ride !!!!

    Much love and gratitude to you all.


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  • Nearly two weeks in.

      8 July 2022
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    So Chemo was about as un-fun as we feared it might be.

    Sadly Melissa's body didnt react well to her first treatment of Chemo and she was left in excruciating pain, so back to hospital for the week while the amazing team up there found a new solution to pain control, and performed other medical procedures to keep her comfortable.

    And to make things even worse, some useless low-lifes thought Melissa's hospital stay was a perfect time to steal her car and take it for a joy ride, totally writing it off!!! As if there wasnt already enough to deal with!!! Scumbags!

    Its been a really rough time, for everyone, but especially Melissa.

    But finally she has been able to come home and have some much needed cuddles with her two cheeky kittens, listen to some good music, eat some decent food, sleep some decent peaceful hours, and have giggles and joy with her family and friends, as well as fish and chups with her Big Bro, who has now joined us from America.

    Melissa being the delight she is has demanded that this weekend be a "F#*kCancer" weekend, so please help her achieve that vibe by pouring a yummy merlot, dance to funky beats, light a candle, sing-along to songs of yesteryear, and tell fun stories with your favourite people. Celebrate life! Yours! Hers! Ours! ALL of it!

    Every single gesture of care and kindness and love pouring in from each of you is felt so strongly by us all. Melissa is loving all your comments and words of pure goodness. She is so lucky to know you all. We all are!

    NGA MIHI whanau!! Your strength makes us stronger xoxox

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