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It takes a community to save and raise a fine young man...

  • One year on

      11 February 2021
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    Hello there team Enzo. I know we closed the page but I felt an update might be a nice thing to do.

    So Enzo is just that- Enzo. Occasional blips in his self image but really just getting on with life.

    He has had his nerve surgery for some hand movement and this is looking promising.

    In May he is having big surgery to try imitating tricep work and he is trying to get as strong as possible for this.

    He can push 4 km, curl 5 kilo, swim 20 25m lengths and is learning to use his electric


    School is back on the agenda and the game console sorted.

    His friends are magnificent and an essential part of his well being.

    Thank you one and all for being a part of this dear boys journey. I trust this finds you all well and happy.

      2 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 12/02/2021 by Jessica

      Awesome news!

      Enzo really is a force to be reckoned with. Keep up the good work. Sending love and strength to you all, especially Enzo.

      The Navickas family

    • 15/02/2021 by Ian

      Wonderful to hear of the great progress. Our thoughts are with you all. Thank you for sharing.

      Millie, Josh, Oscar, Nora and Ian Edmond

  • Together we will fly again..

      10 July 2020
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    Dear all,

    we are now at a point where we are close to having our boy home. He is confirmed at C5 complete tertraplegic. He is completely engaged with the work he needs to undertake to get the most from this new body and his future living.

    We are currently investigating the best electric mountain bike, hand bike and adaptive ski kit for him and your amazing financial gifts will go a long way towards these items.

    Your love and grace will always be with us.

    The next part of our journey is finally together as a family and we hope by the end of the year to be shaping up well to this new life.

    With the help of an amazing community we are managing to stay in our area in a wee rental until we can find a new forever home. I am closing the page today, so best wishes to you all in life and living, you are a part of our journey always.

    kindest regards

    Christine, Enzo, Guy and Madeleine

      3 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 10/07/2020 by Lorraine Motu

      God will bless Enzo n whanau always.

    • 10/07/2020 by Ian

      It will just be amazing to have the whole family home. We wish you all the very best for the adventures ahead. Sending you all much love and energy. Nora, Josh, Millie, Oscar and Ian

    • 12/07/2020 by Theresa

      Hi, glad to read Enzo is progressing towards heading home :)

  • Time waits for no man...

      26 April 2020
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    Well here we all are, looking to begin exit from level four. It won’t look much different for some including Enzo so stick to it and stay safe, this is one nasty virus...

    Meantime in lockdown Enzo has been flat out at the gym and with the occupational therapist.

    He did a mega day on Friday his 12 week anniversary, staying up in his motorised(not electric remember! ) for 91/2 hours, with first leg exercise experience. He reported with a laugh that that went like rocks when stimulating and flopped like released balloons when they stopped. So as you can see he is himself to a T seeing the funny side of life even now.

    He is working on balance and strength and dexterity and is assisting with dressing as he can and feeding himself most things.

    Back to being a hungry horse and I am tasked with whipping up various delights.

    We have been exploring gadgets and have a few hopeful items for mtb and ski replacement.

    His hair is like a Russian winter hat and I think a hair cut will be high on his agenda post lockdown. He is trying to hang in as the nurses only know a number 1 cut... aka the tennis ball look..

    Well keep this moving if you can and many thanks for travelling with us.

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    • 28/04/2020 by Theresa

      Hi Christine, what a wonderful update, looks like he's working extremely hard. I find it so humbling to read how determined he is and happy that his sense of humour is up and running. What an amazing young man you have there.

      Hope you and the rest of the family are all well, stay safe during these weird times.



  • Little by little..

      13 March 2020
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    Dear Enzo supporters, I have held off on an update because I really wanted to share progress that felt more than incremental.

    Well today we have it. Enzo is now with a mini trachy which enables his chest cares to be managed and also enables voice.

    Yes our boy can talk again and crack a joke at the expense of his Dad.

    He can now also have his neck brace off and sit up without it to 45 degrees.

    He is revelling in all of this and it opens the door to a more active phase in his rehabilitation.

    Our continued heart felt thanks for your continued concern and support of our fine young man.

      1 comment  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 15/03/2020 by Theresa

      That's such great news, tell him to keep going :)

  • Goodbye ICU- Hello Burwood Spinal Unit

      1 March 2020
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    Dear Team Enzo- as I am coming to think of you all in my head and heart.

    Our boy has transferred out of ICU, I think all our heart rates have dropped by about 10 beats per minute..

    He remains with a Trachy in place so no voice yet, but there are plans for weaning this over the next week or so all going to plan.

    Enzo is now seeing his closest set of friends and I do believe loving this very much, they are wonderful set of lads who will be an important part of his recovery and indeed life.

    It is still very early days so it is hard to give you a really good jump in our progress, just rest assured he continues to head in the right direction. He expresses his awe at your generosity and I can see him 'revving his motor' to participate more in his recovery to show that your support is well placed.

    We are also being supported by some local fund raisers- Fluers coffee shop in the Manawa building in town has a raffle going and our very own bowling club has a "Bowl for Enzo" this day.

    Today I celebrate a broad community with a heart the size of the moon.

    The photo for this up date is a tree outside the Unit and I will be taking a photo each week or so as natures clock of our journey.

    kindest regards


      1 comment  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 01/03/2020 by Theresa

      Great to hear he is out of the icu and he has a good bunch of mates. I look forward to your updates. Love and hugs xxx

      p.s that's a beautiful tree :)

  • Never give up... always go on..

      24 February 2020
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    Dear amazing supporters, we continue to be amazed by our Enzo everyday.

    We are still in ICU, but he is well and truly awake and has Burwood firmly in his sights.

    Had a wonderfully uplifting spontaneous visit from some of his friends( he has been saying no, he can speak yet) but the big grins and belly laughter has to be good for him.

    We are very grateful for your donations and thoughtful onward sharing of this page.

    I am hopeful that the next post will be that he is off the ventilator and being his journey of speech and eating again.

    Kindest regards


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  • Each day forward

      17 February 2020
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    Thank you, for your words and donations and inspiration. Enzo is now awake and although not yet able to speak, is teaching us lip reading.

    As his mind clears some of his first thoughts have immediately gone to his friends.

    Today he asked after them and asked me to get a thank you present.

    Staff report all cares get a thank you, even those that must be near intolerable.

    What a boy we have ❣️

    He had our dog to visit yesterday. Meet Luna.

      1 comment  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 21/02/2020 by Theresa

      So glad to hear he is awake :)

  • Heart felt thanks and gallery

      15 February 2020
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    Dear expanding family and friends, as usual in this sort of situation words of thanks are completely inadequate. We are strengthened by your words, thoughts and donations and beyond grateful for you expanded networks to assist our fine young man in his future.

    He remains in ICU at this stage with slow but steady progress in the right direction.

    I have added a few more photos to the gallery to let you get to know Enzo a bit more.

    I will use updates for ongoing recognition of your grace and love as well as a photographic journey once it is more appropriate.

    Photo by Enzo - Snow Monkeys in Japan.

    Enzo, Christine, Guy and Madeleine

      2 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 16/02/2020 by Theresa

      Glad to read that he is making some progress :)

    • 17/02/2020 by Aubrey

      Hi Christine,

      Check out a book called You Are the Placebo. Very interesting. Of course, I don’t know the situation but a friend of mine was paralysed neck down but has managed to gain a lot of movement back. He can now drive a modified car. Best wishes to you and your family.