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John Grenell Memorial Concert - Celebrating his life.

$10,208 donated
Given by 177 generous donors in 12 days

John Grenell Memorial Concert Fundraiser


Our father John Grenell was a country music icon and a national treasure. His music has inspired and moved thousands over the decades and his passing on July 27th 2022 has lead to many requests of how people can enable a celebration of his life.

We are organising a public memorial for John Grenell, to be held in Christchurch this Saturday the 6th of August at 2pm in the James Hay Theatre, Otautahi Christchurch Town Hall.

Donations will help fund the memorial that can be attended by members of the public and to be streamed online for those unable to attend.

The funds will be used to hire the PA, audio engineer, Audio Visual capabilities and the livestream and any other incidental costs associated with the event.

This is our way to pay tribute to our father and be able to share his precious memory with the public he entertained for over sixty years.

Any help to achieve this would be very much appreciated.

Ngā mihi nui

Denver, Oakley, Redford & Amiria Grenell

Denver Grenell's involvement (page creator)

John was our father.

Use of funds

Venue hire, live stream set up and technical equipment needed for the public memorial.

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Ngā mihi nui / thankyou  16 August 2022

The Grenell family would like to offer our heartfelt thanks to everyone who donated to the Givealittle and for your kind messages.

Your generous support enabled us to farewell John in the best way possible, with a fantastic lineup of music in front of a large crowd in the James Hay Theatre and many hundreds more watching the live-stream. It was an emotional day but also celebratory and uplifting and a fitting tribute to John.

We would like to thank everyone who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to help realise the concert:

Jess Shanks; Adam McGrath; Amy Grace; Jo Barus; Joseph Veale; Daimon Schwalger; Cary Caldwell; Suzanne Prentice; Eddie Low; Mel Parsons; Graham Wardrop; Holly Arrowsmith; John Sanchez-Lloyd & Phil Doublet; Fraser Ross; Al Parks; Jessie Moss; Amy Grace; Roger Lusby; Monique Aiken; Hana Cassells; Megan Hancox; Hana; D.G.; Anna; Emma; Clare; Megan; Nela; Gina; Bridget; Juliet and everyone from the Christchurch Town Hall / James Hay Theatre.

The concert is still available to view on Facebook at:

Ngā mihi nui / thankyou.

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Latest donations

H on 14 Aug 2022
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 12 Aug 2022
Ian on 08 Aug 2022
Sending our thoughts and thanks for this wonderful tribute to John. Many fond memories- Ian and Annie Frame -Oakura
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Aug 2022
Hilary on 07 Aug 2022
A beautiful and very memorable concert, with all four of you on stage together. Long may the legendary Grenell family music live on!

Who's involved?

Denver Grenell's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Denver Grenell on behalf of John Grenell Memorial Concert
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This campaign started on 2 Aug 2022 and ended on 14 Aug 2022.