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Justice for Blessie

on 24 Jul 2019

Garth asks

Hello Mr Gotingco

Garth McVicar here, hope this finds you in good health and bearing up okay.

I wondered if you would you be kind to give me an update on where things are at regarding the possible legal action proposed.

Kind Regards

Garth McVicar

This question has not been answered yet.

on 2 Jun 2016

Robert asks

Good morning and blessings . Just a though on getting assistance on investigation , have you considered approaching the University Law school and see if any students would like to do this as project ie legal research ? There may well be other University schools that could assist . Kind regards Robert


Good morning Robert - Thank you for your kind thoughts and consideration.

We are working through a number of options as this is not just a Law issue but also Human Rights too so we'll try your suggested route for sure.

Kind regards,

Gontingco Family

Antonio Gotingco
on 31 May 2016

Erin asks

Hi Antonio, is there a bank account number that people can make donations to external to here? Having trouble with givealittle website and want to help in anyway that I can. Best wishes. Erin


Hi Erin

Can you please email me at and I can reply with the bank account number.

Thank you so VERY much - Ruth x

Antonio Gotingco
on 28 May 2016

Jin asks

Hi Antonio, have you considered talking to Ian Wishart, who's a very strong investigative journalist? I wonder if he could help your cause into unravelling our increasingly progressive / leftist justice system.




Hi Jin

Thank you for your note. Yes we are considering all of these options and have some good investigative angles underway.

Kind regards,

Antonio Gotingco

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