Kate's Journey to date.
17 March 2015Kate is continually fighting this horrible condition. She is unable to attend school daily, currently she manages about two to three half days a week.
Most days she struggles to get out of bed and at least two days of the week she just can not do it !
Starship have said after blood transfusions, IVIG, and Chemo treatments we do not see any improvement, so we will leave your body to heal itself ??
That is something we are not prepared to do.
Through extensive research we are now on to three absolutely amazing practitioners who have put Kate on IV Vitamin C and working with the enormous amount of toxicity in her system.
Within two weeks of this new treatment for Kate we are seeing an improvement, its still a long road ahead but they are confident they can heal Kate, which is what we all need to hear, not only hear but see, and we are, very slowly. We feel we are on our way to recovery.
This is currently costing $750.00 per week....as this treatment is not seen as main stream medical care.
To date this is the only form of treatment that is helping with her brain swelling and 24/7 excruciating headaches.
We are so very very thankful and so very appreciative of all your kind donations, because right now with out your donations, we could not afford to continue this treatment .
Lots of love , and heart felt thanks xxxxxxxx