Keep our Kauri Standing

$4,634 of $15,000 goal
Given by 130 generous donors in around 10 months

We are raising funds for the High Court Case challenging the decision to fell such an iconic Kauri. Awhiawhi is healthy and well.


We are raising funds to keep Awhiawhi standing, the mature Kauri that both Michael Tavares and Johno Smith lived in to stop her becoming a log on the ground. Despite an attempt to ringbark Awhiawhi is healthy and well.

We believe that challenging the Resource Consents that permitted the felling of mature healthy Kauri and Rimu will set a national precedent for preserving our native forests.

We have less than 1% of our magnificent Kauri “Taonga” left. Of those that remain standing many are affected by Kauri Dieback Disease and are sick and dying. Not since the clear felling of Kauri forests in the 1800’s has the long term survival of Kauri as a species been so precarious due to Kauri Dieback, yet, despite this, consent was given to fell healthy Kauri.

27,700 have signed our “Save the Paturoa Kauri” petition and you said you would like to help. If you haven’t signed it please sign here:

We are asking for your help now - Donations will be put towards the costs of the Judicial Review of the decision that was made to fell a mature healthy Kauri, at a time when the whole species is at risk.

Please help us by donating to our Keep our Kauri Standing Give a Little Fundraising Campaign.

Any amount big or small will help.

Image Details: Copyright Jos Wheeler 2015

Save Our Kauri Trust's involvement (page creator)

Andrew and Winnie are part of the local community that are challenging the decision to remove healthy mature Kauri at a time when Kauri as a species are under threat.

About us

Save Our Kauri Trust is a registered charity formed to work for the preservation of Kauri. The Paturoa Kauri protests alerted a nation to the threat our national Taonga face.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Apr 2017
Rene Davis
Rene Davis on 14 Dec 2016
Frances McMoran
Frances McMoran on 29 Nov 2016
Keep Our Kauri Standing.... and loving all those keeping her standing.... with Aroha Frances and John
Hetty Vink
Hetty Vink on 07 Nov 2016
Alexei Drummond
Alexei Drummond on 06 Nov 2016

Who's involved?

Save our Kauri trust's avatar
Created by Save Our Kauri Trust, paying to a verified bank account of Save our Kauri trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 15 Sep 2016 and ended on 30 Jun 2017.