Clear the Slip! Get the Gorge Open

$6,696 of $30,000 goal
Given by 79 generous donors in 13 days

Clear the slip to get the Gorge open and get stranded volunteer cars out! #GettheGorgeOpen #SavetheGorge #LoveTheGorge

Nelson / Tasman

When Eddie turned up with his rake to clear a "wee slip", he realised the job may be a bit bigger than expected....

Wairoa Gorge Bike Park volunteers Eddie, Mike and Jamie were at the Gorge volunteering their time to clear trees when a rather big slip came down, blocking their cars in the Gorge. The slip has also meant that the Bike Park shuttles have had to close. Many may say being trapped at the Gorge to ride and play is a good thing, but the reality is that they can't play forever and need their cars!

With Eddie, Mike and Jamie carless and our operations suspended, we need to get the slip cleared. The only trick is that we need to raise $50,000 to not only clear the slip, but make sure it is done safely and won't happen again! The more we raise the more we can do to future proof the access. If we do not reach our target, we will do what we can to get the cars out and look to alternative funding sources which will take considerable more time to secure (if at all). We will also look to begging and pleading already under pressure local companies, for help!

Help us get the Gorge open and get Eddie, Mike and Jamie's cars back! Donate today and give yourself some warm fuzzies for helping volunteers and for helping NMTBC to save this unique mountain bike park.

Use of funds

A Geotechnical assessment on the stability of the bank is required first before the estimated 500-800m2 of spoil is cleared. If funding allows, the slip debris would be screened and made into roading material and spread on the Gorge road.

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Thank you!  10 August 2021

Dear Legends

Thank you for your awesome donations to help clear the slip at the Wairoa Gorge Bike Park.

We have managed to get the initial slip cleared and get the volunteer cars out (thanks to Asphalt & General Co and HiReach Access Solutions ). Unfortunately we didn't reach our target for fundraising and the road is 4WD access only at this stage. The shuttle road and ford still have work required. We're now in "discussions" (begging and pleading) with local and national government authorities to help to ensure that the access is more secure for the future!

In the meantime, we hope to be ready to go for the new season, which starts on 4 September - so make your booking now and support this iconic and very special bike park. See you there!

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Latest donations

Jarek on 08 Aug 2021
Nelson Mountain Bike Club

Fantastic - thank you!!

Nelson Mountain Bike Club
Curtis on 04 Aug 2021
Nelson Mountain Bike Club

Fantastic - thank you!

Nelson Mountain Bike Club
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 04 Aug 2021
Nelson Mountain Bike Club

Awesome! Thanks.

Nelson Mountain Bike Club
Simon on 02 Aug 2021
Nelson Mountain Bike Club


Nelson Mountain Bike Club
Lachlan on 01 Aug 2021
Nelson Mountain Bike Club

Awesome, thanks Lachlan.

Nelson Mountain Bike Club

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Nelson Mountain Bike Club (Group)
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This campaign started on 26 Jul 2021 and ended on 8 Aug 2021.