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$15,101 of $25,000 goal
Given by 206 generous donors in around 8 months

The long awaited "King Loser" feature documentary needs your help to get it on the big screen and out to the world.


Controversial, wild and difficult, King Loser were both adored and feared in the 90s music scene. Their snappy surf songs, louche lounge ballads and psychedelic riffs soundtracked the brief, tempestuous romance of its central characters, Celia Mancini and Chris Heazlewood.

While their romance ended, Chris and Celia’s creative relationship blazed on through discord, personality clashes and constant lineup changes. King Loser imploded a mere 5 years after it began.

In 2016, drummer Lance Strickland suggested the band reunite for a nationwide tour, having no idea of Celia’s bad health.

King Loser asked me to film the tour and after a shaky start they hit their stride. But between the shows was tough. No money, bad food, and cramped conditions made for arguments and fighting. I felt bad filming it but they never said cut, knowing this was just as much the story as the gigs, some of the best I’d ever seen.

Slightly traumatised, I returned home to sift through the footage. With great archives at hand, I decided to tell the whole sordid story of King Loser, as well as the tour.

After a year's editing I showed the band. They were unenthusiastic. Despondent, I shelved the film until my editor friend Cushla offered to help, crafting a story that is testament to her love for King Loser. It's now ready to unleash onto the world.

Please, every dollar you can spare means a lot. Share this widely and stand by to witness the mighty King Loser in all their demented glory.

Andrew Moore 2023

Sonic Super Free Films Ltd's involvement (page creator)

Sonic Super Free Films is producer Derek Gehring and co-directors Andrew Moore and Cushla Dillon. Both Andrew and Cushla have made several music videos with King Loser and all have been friends and fans of King Loser since their inception.

Use of funds

We need to raise $25,000 for the sound mix, grade, music licensing and distribution costs. The film will be screened in the 4 main centres with live performances from special guests, followed by a streaming release so we can share the film worldwide.

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Latest update

New finishing date Nov 30  31 August 2023

To all our Donors

The new give a little finishing date will align with our friends, family and donor screening on November 19 at the Hollywood cinema. If you are a donor and wish to attend this free screening please rsvp to

Regards Derek

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Jasmine Thompson
Jasmine Thompson on 08 Nov 2023
Thanks for getting back to me on the ETA way too soon. I hope one day I could live in Christchurch
Sonic Super Free Films Ltd

'Thankyou Jasmine for your generous donation, the film is finally finished and has been at NZIFF . let me know if you haven't seen it yet ..regards Derek

Sonic Super Free Films Ltd
Sarah on 28 Oct 2023
Sonic Super Free Films Ltd

Thankyou Sarah For your generous donation. I hope you've had a chance to see the finished film. If not please let us know ..regards Derek

Sonic Super Free Films Ltd
David on 20 Aug 2023
Excellent film & gig!
Chris on 10 Aug 2023
Bit late...but loved the doco...Great work!
Alan and Carolyn
Alan and Carolyn on 05 Aug 2023
Gie it laldy guys! 😎

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Sonic Super Free Films Ltd (Business) on behalf of Film Post Production
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This campaign started on 6 Apr 2023 and ended on 30 Nov 2023.