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KIWI K.A.R.E UKRAINE - Kiwi Aid & Refugee Evacuation

  • Ten More Ambulances on Their Way to Ukraine

      22 January 2025

    The 10 decommissioned Hato Hone St John ambulances have left Port of Auckland and are en route to Europe. We hope to have them operational in #Ukraine by late April.

    Thank you so much for all your support - we couldn’t have done it without you. 💙💛

    #kiwiKARE #StandWithUkraine #Україна #ukraine 🇺🇦 🤝 🇳🇿

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  • Ten more ambulances for Ukraine

      17 January 2025

    Great day today getting the 10 ambulances ready to roll towards Port of Auckland on Saturday.

    Thanks for your help today, Joe McGregor - and that of Transport Services Te Puke - couldn’t have done it without you guys.

    I’m looking forward to meeting the drive team on Saturday - a great bunch of Hamilton based Ukrainians!

    #KiwiKARE #StandWithUkraine #Україна #ukraine 🇺🇦 🤝 🇳🇿

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    • 17/01/2025 by Gillian

      Tenby's done it again....more ambulances, more support from his friends and community, and great to hear that Hamilton based Ukrainians are being involved also.

      Kiwi K.A.R.E. are my most favoured charity because they get stuff done, and continue to do so.

    • 18/01/2025 by Dimitry

      Great work. Maybe the only material help from this part of the world. The Aussies promised 50 Abrams tanks while NZ couldn't master a few LAVs. The biggest war since WWII on 1500km front rages on. Not always in the news.

    • 28/01/2025 by Tenby Powell

      Thanks Gillian, and for your ongoing support. 💙💛

    • 28/01/2025 by Tenby Powell

      Thanks Dimitry - we have asked for the LAV’s as armoured ambulances (which is to say we requested them in a non-kinetic role). This would get widespread approval from the New Zealand public and, I suspect, many current govt Ministers. We will keep trying. And importantly, we will keep our Road-of-Life and Heat-for-Health programmes running, and keep the humanitarian and medical aid going forward and the evacuations and patient hospital transfers going rearward.

  • Kiwi K.A.R.E Multinational Teams

      17 December 2024

    My big thanks to Richie, our great Aussie mate his able team member, Alex from Poland, for all their hard work this winter.

    Richie and Alex have been working around the city Siversk, and it’s six surrounding villages: Hryhorivka, Dronivka, Platonivka, Riznikivka, Sviato-Pokrovske, and Serebryanka.

    Hundreds of people are without power and water, and they lack any transportation to get to a hospital when needed.

    Thank you Richie and Alex - you guys are amazing humans. Wishing you both a peaceful and Merry Christmas 💙💛

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  • Kiwi K.A.R.E Website

      10 December 2024

    Dear Friends

    Tomorrow (Wednesday 11 Dec), we will launch an updated Kiwi K.A.R.E website. As a key supporter, we wanted you to see it first.

    Here is a link:

    It has rolling performance stats that will be regularly updated as humanitarian missions continue, and it provides an easy-read overview of our core work, including Road-of-Life and Heaters-for-Humanity.

    Thanks as always for your generous support and encouragement, we appreciate it greatly.

    Regards to all


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  • Latest Deliver of Stoves to the Eastern Red Zone

      5 December 2024

    Dear Friends

    Thank you for all your support to #kiwiKARE.

    We are making a positive difference as you will see in a video taken last weekend in Ukraine’s beleaguered eastern Red Zone.

    Attacks on power and water infrastructure, and hospitals, remains constant and we will continue to provide practical and regular assistance.

    I’ll keep you updated.

    Regards to all - Tenby

    🇺🇦 🤝 🇳🇿

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    • 05/12/2024 by Gillian

      Just so pleased to hear that a little bit of assistance from us here in NZ can result in quite a big improvement for those in the red zone. Keep up the good work.

    • 05/12/2024 by Tenby Powell

      Thanks Gillian. You can be assured Kiwi K.A.R.E is making an impactful difference in the lives of many Ukrainians, most of who are elderly or infirmed. We greatly appreciate your continued support.

    • 06/12/2024 by Dimitry

      As they are manufactured locally from old tanks and look a bit rough, how do people find them compared to factory ones "off the shelf" and do they get them for free?

    • 08/12/2024 by Tenby Powell

      They are all well made by qualified engineers and are delivered free of charge. Kiwi K.A.R.E funds the full process from reducing to delivery. We have been approached by numerous commerical stove makers who ultimately want to profit from the network we have developed. We will never allow this. Those who receive a stove have been assessed by their local council, or similar, and they have reached out to us for help. These are the most vulnerable of all people and we are very protective of them.

  • Our Fabrication Workshop In Kyiv

      3 December 2024

    Hi Friends

    From out of this cluttered, dark, workshop in a bunker in Kyiv, our fabrication team have made over 3000 stoves and water boilers.

    They are all made from recycled electrical water cylinders and distributed to those in the eastern and southern Red Zones who have no power or water due to constant attacks on infrastructure.

    Thank you for your continued support 💙💛

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  • 💙 Road of Life 💛

      23 October 2024

    Hi friends

    Thanks for your continued support for Kiwi K.A.R.E in Ukraine. We greatly appreciate your generosity and care.

    Our work continues at pace particularly with winter rapidly approaching.

    We have formalised our evacuation and medical transportation service in a new brand called Road-of-Life.

    The Road-of-Life brand has taken a lot of conversations and input with our Ukrainian partners and I truly believe it shows a strong partnership between New Zealand and Ukraine on multiple levels, albeit in a small way.

    We currently have three teams who will run the ambulances in the wider Kharkiv Region (Team East), the Kherson Region (Team South), and across Western Ukraine to assist Internally Displaced Persons who need to get to a hospital.

    In time, and contingent on funding, we will grow this capability and the geographical service area in which we operate.

    Let me know your thoughts.

    Best regards, Tenby

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    • 28/10/2024 by Gillian

      This seems to be consistent with your extraordinary efforts to locate and deliver ambulances over the last year or so, so yes, link up with other organisations with the same purpose. However, please keep going with the water heater project if you can, as this may help people to stay in their embattled homes, and prevent de-population of those areas.

    • 29/10/2024 by Tenby Powell

      Thanks Gillian. You have my assurance that we will continue to fabricate stoves and water heaters; we recognise how critical they are given the constant targeting of power and water infrastructure.

      In fact - very soon, we will have fabricated our 3000th unit. I’ll post on that soon. Suffice to say, we are very grateful for all the tremendous support which has enabled this outcome. The collection of old electrical water cylinders continues at pace, as does their repurposing (disassembly and re-fabrication), and distribution to families in red zones.

      Evacuation and hospital transportation has always been a core activity for Kiwi K.A.R.E. The Road-of-Life brand formalizes our partnership with Ukrainian registered Day-by-Day Foundation in respect of this.

      We greatly appreciate your continued interest and concern for Ukrainian civilians living under siege. 💙💛


      1 October 2024

    Hi everyone - I trust you are well and looking forward to summer. Here, in Ukraine, the weather is turning and we can feel winter is just around the corner.

    As you know, since Nov 2022, we have been fabricating easily transportable and very effective stoves and water boilers made out of recycled electrical water cylinders.

    What started as a winter project, is now an all-year round project given the continued targeting of power and water infrastructure.

    The team strip the cylinders down to access the core tank and fabricate them into either a single stove unit or a double tank unit, which becomes a water boiler.

    To date, we have fabricated nearly 3000 units.

    We have letters of request from towns and villages all along the Red Zone and now need to step this operation up significantly.

    Here’s a short vid to show the units and their distribution to families in need.

    As always, we are very grateful for your support and encouragement.

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  • 16 Ambulances Donated to Ukraine

      12 September 2024

    On 10 September, Kiwi K.A.R.E donated 16 ambulances to Ukrainian medical units at a ceremony held in Sophia Square, Kyiv.

    This was made possible by the generosity of many New Zealanders who have donated to Kiwi K.A.R.E.

    These ambulances will be staffed by paramedics who save lives and transport the injured to hospitals.

    We wish one and all safe journeys, as we continue our humanitarian initiatives, tirelessly, for the people of Ukraine.💙💛

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    • 13/09/2024 by Gillian

      More good work done by this team. Happy to support you.

    • 13/09/2024 by Tenby Powell

      Thank you, Gillian. Your support and encouragement is greatly appreciated. 💙💛

  • 16 more Kiwi K.A.R.E Ambulances arrive in Kyiv

      13 August 2024

    Dear Friends

    I am delighted to report that the 16 ambulances my wife, Sharon, and I shuttled to Port Fremantle from Perth in May, landed in Bremerhaven last Friday.

    A multinational team of 20 drivers from New Zealand, Poland, France, Germany, the United States, Canada, the U.K. and Ukraine, successfully drove the vehicles to the Kyiv, some 2000 kilometres away, where they will be serviced and painted in camouflage before being donated to frontline medical units.

    Together with logistics support vehicles, such as large vans, 4x4 cars, and a 13-tonne truck, this totals 30 vehicles Kiwi K.A.R.E has deployed to the war-torn country to facilitate our humanitarian and medical distribution operation, and of course conduct evacuations and long-haul patient transfers.

    We hope to keep one or two of the latest ambulances to augment our Road-of-Life programme as, currently, we have only ambulance dedicated to Outreach and we need at least another two assets, together with qualified staff, to meet the demand.

    Kiwi K.A.R.E remains committed to helping Ukrainians in need and we could not do this without the support and generosity of so many people and organisations here in New Zealand.

    Thank you for your trust and support in the Kiwi K.A.R.E team.

    Best regards to all - Tenby

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  • Funding Target Extended

      23 July 2024
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    Hi all - we are about the reach our goal of raising $500,000 for two years of humanitarian support to Ukraine.

    So we’ve decided to extend the goal and keep going!

    With your generous help and indefatigable support, we have achieved a lot during this time and I thought it was time we reflected on the highlights as detailed below.

    Kiwi K.A.R.E, a registered New Zealand Charitable Organisation, has been operating in Ukraine since May 2022, and has provided invaluable support as follows:

    * Delivered hundreds of tonnes of humanitarian and medical aid to front line cities and towns;

    *Conducted numerous civilian evacuations, including long-haul evacuations of entire family groups to western Europe;

    *Conducted mobile health clinics in newly liberated red zones as part of a medical outreach programme;

    * Fabricated and delivered over 2500 wood burning stoves and water boilers for civilians without power and water;

    * Managed the International logistics of moving 33 ambulances from New Zealand and Australia to Western Europe, with the additional purchase of one truck and six support vehicles within Europe to maintain their operations in Ukraine;

    * All the aforementioned has been funded through private donations from generous New Zealanders, through effective fundraising initiatives and regular presentations to business and community groups.

    My big thanks to you wonderful New Zealanders 💙💛

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    • 13/08/2024 by Miriam

      Great work kiwi kare💙💛 I plan to go to Ukraine at some stage- how can I help?

    • 13/08/2024 by Gillian

      Hi Tenby, this is great work for Ukraine, very encouraging to hear that KiwiKARE is continuing with practical aid, you will continue to get my support.


  • Russian Attack on Children’s Hospital in Kyiv

      16 July 2024

    Hypersonic Kinzhal missiles rained down on Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv, killing 44 people, 5 of them children, and injuring 196 at last count.

    Okhmatdyt Hospital, the largest children’s medical facility in Ukraine, treats thousands of children each year, including those with cancer.

    Missiles also targeted civilian power and water infrastructure in other Ukrainian cities.

    Kiwi K.A.R.E partners, Day-by-Day Foundation, are on scene delivering water and doing what they can to help as rescuers continue to look for those trapped under the rubble.

    Make no mistake - this is a war crime. Yet another among so many, the volume of which may never be quantified.

    #KiwiKARE #StandWithUkraine #украина #ukraine #slavaukraini

    🇺🇦 🤝 🇳🇿

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      8 July 2024
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    Kiwi K.A.R.E is proud to support our Ukrainian partners by providing our truck and fuel to deliver gifts to over 1000 children in belegured Kherson on International Children’s Day

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      22 June 2024
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    Recognising two years of outstanding service with Kiwi K.A.R.E in Ukraine.

    ‘Black Betty’ has travelled many thousands of kilometres, delivered hundreds of tonnes of humanitarian and medical aid, in all conditions, often across challenging terrain and close to the front line.

    She has seen many team members come and go, she has been repaired many times, and she is often bent and bruised.

    Most of all - she’s still here!

    We need your help to keep her going. Please share this with your friends.

    Thank you for such amazing support.

    Tenby 💙💛

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      23 May 2024
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    Greetings Friends

    I’m pleased to report that Kiwi K.A.R.E has secured sixteen more ambulances which are now en route to Europe.

    All going to schedule, we will collect them from Port Bremerhaven, Germany, in late July.

    Due to your extraordinary help, this now totals 30 vehicles Kiwi K.A.R.E has gifted to Ukraine for humanitarian and medical support operations: 23 ambulances, 1 truck and 6 support vehicles.

    Thank you New Zealand - we are very grateful for your support 💙💛

    #kiwikare #StandWithUkraine #украина #ukraine #slavaukraini

    🇺🇦 🤝 🇳🇿

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    • 29/05/2024 by New


  • Kiwi K.A.R.E Continues To Meet The Humanitarian Demand

      25 April 2024
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    Dear friends,

    This is our latest batch of stoves and water boilers, fabricated in Kyiv and delivered to front line towns under duress from constant attacks on civilian infrastructure - as you’ll see in the video.

    Please share this post widely, particularly to those who can support Kiwi K.A.R.E to keep the wheels rolling.

    Thanks for your continued support and i wish you a peaceful ANZAC Day.

    Warmest regards - Tenby

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  • Road of Life’ Project 🇳🇿🤝 🇺🇦

      5 March 2024

    Kiwi K.A.R.E partner, Day-by-Day Foundation continue their great work on our ‘Road of Life’ project.

    Utilising Kiwi K.A.R.E vehicles, including ‘Manaaki’ (our ambulance) they continue to conduct evacuations from areas where many civilians haven’t seen a Doctor, Nurse or health professional for years.

    We need to maintain our humanitarian and medical aid capability, and our operational tempo, to ensure we reach and care for those most in need.

    Thank you for your continued support. 💙💛

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  • Big Thanks To These Two Great Aussie Men

      4 February 2024
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    Richie and Alwyn will soon finish a busy and demanding winter ToD with Kiwi K.A.R.E in Ukraine.

    They have driven ‘Manaaki’ (our ambulance) thousands of kilometres and breathed life into our Outreach Programme, conducting numerous evacuations of Ukrainians (and their beautiful dogs it seems) in Red Zones who needed to get to hospitals and out of harms way.

    Importantly, they have augmented our trusted relationships with medical units and civic leaders which is important to operate effectively.

    Thanks lads - the ANZAC spirit is alive and well and we are all very grateful to you. 💙💛

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    • 05/02/2024 by Gillian

      Great work under very difficult conditions, thanks to you all. Such a shame that the Australian Government decided to just "bury" those helicopters, which could also have been a help. Any advance on the project to get the NZ Government to give up some of those LAVS?

  • Happy New Year from Kiwi K.A.R.E.

      15 January 2024

    Hi everyone - a quick vid attached to say thanks, and a link to an e-book giving an overview of our work in Ukraine during 2023 here:

    Conditions in Ukraine are challenging right now and we ask you keep the support coming. You have been amazing New Zealand and now, more than ever, we need to keep going.

    If you feel you can, please click on this link to donate:

    Thank you one and all 💙💛

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    • 16/01/2024 by Gillian

      Good on this organisation, just going from strength to strength, but take care not to spread yourself too thinly. Finding suitable partners is great, but it would be shame to lose KiwiKARE's identity altogether. Do a few things well is my motto. Very best wishes for 2024 to all. Gillian.

    • 16/01/2024 by Tenby Powell

      Thanks Gillian. Greatly appreciate your wise thoughts. In fact - we have pared back from year one to now doing three things well: 1: International logistics; 2. International logistics with a focus on medaid; and 3. Small scale fabrication of stoves and water boilers (and this is outsourced so it doesn’t impact on our operations as aforementioned).

      We are still doing long haul evacs which works well with return journeys. For example - the team are bringing back an amputee from a frontline town to Dnipro.

      But I hear you loud and clear. Please keep the advice coming! 💙💛

    • 16/01/2024 by Tenby Powell

      Apologies- No 2 should read: internal logistics (Ukraine)

  • Merry Christmas from Kiwi K.A.R.E

      21 December 2023
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    Dear Friends,

    On behalf of Kiwi K.A.R.E, I wanted to wish you a peaceful and merry Christmas.

    Thank you for your generous and continued support of our humanitarian work in Ukraine.

    Immediately below, is a link to an e-book which captures Kiwi K.A.R.E’s work these past six months. Within the e-book there are three embedded videos which gives greater context and explanation to various aspects covered. Please feel free to share it with your family, team and colleagues.

    In the new year, I will once again start fundraising here in New Zealand to ensure we have sufficient funds to maintain the humanitarian momentum we have created in Ukraine.

    If you, or any groups, clubs or business associations in which you are involved, might be interested in a presentation on Ukraine, I have a speech that resonates with many and has been well received on over thirty occasions around New Zealand.

    In the meantime, all the very best for the festive season.

    Warm regards

    Tenby 💙💛

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  • Kiwi K.A.R.E in 2023

      13 December 2023

    Hi Friends- we are pleased to bring you an overview of our work in Ukraine over the past six months or so. Thank you for all your amazing support. Please share widely. 💙💛

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    • 13/12/2023 by Gillian

      I want to congratulate KiwiKARE and Tenby for another six months of thoughtful, effective work.

      I shall donate another two of those nifty little water heaters/stoves in time for Christmas, and also start to lobby the new NZ government to send some of those LAVS to Ukraine.

      Best wishes to all the team, and seasons greetings to everyone you come across.


    • 13/12/2023 by Tenby Powell

      Thanks so much, Gillian. Your support and encouragement is greatly appreciated. Wishing you and your family a peaceful and merry Christmas. 💙💛

    • 13/12/2023 by Mark Jenkins

      A tremendous effort by the K.A.R.E team - let's hope the USA resumes military aid quickly and the world can refocus on this catastrophe.

  • Kiwi K.A.R.E will Support Ukraine for the Duration.

      14 November 2023
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    Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine hasn’t ended and neither will our support for those in need.

    We have therefore reset the end date of our fundraising and will continue to push it out for as long as is needed.

    Thank you New Zealand for all your support. 💙💛

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  • Providing Vital Winter Warmth - With Love From New Zealand

      14 November 2023
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    Kiwi K.A.R.E is in the manufacturing business and we need your help.

    We are funding the fabrication of wood burning stoves and water heaters from old recycled electrical water cylinders.

    As you’ll see in the video, the old cylinders are stripped down to access the core tank. This is then cut and welded into various sized ‘burjuykas’ (stoves) and ‘voda nahrivach’ (water boilers).

    We put out a call on social media for donations of old water cylinders and they have come pouring in from all over Ukraine.

    We now need your help to keep production going ahead of the harsh winter and the inevitable targeting of civilian infrastructure, such as power and water facilities, that we know will come once again this year.

    💙We are making the stoves for $160

    💛and the larger water heaters for $260

    If you, your workmates, or perhaps a club you belong to, can get together and fund, what has been described as, a lifesaver by families who received one last year, we can keep up production.

    Last year we manufactured and distributed 280 units. They were hugely successful and we have requests for over 1000.

    Our goal is to make 1200 so please help us spread the word.

    Thank you! 💙💛

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  • New Zealand Medical Aid Container Arrives in Ukraine

      14 October 2023
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    At long last, we have our hands on the medical aid generously supplied by many New Zealand organisations and private individuals.

    This has been another long haul in both distance and time –thankfully arriving just ahead of winter. We will distribute the medaid to frontline hospitals and medical units immediately.

    The arrival of the container coincides with the inaugural deployment of ‘Manaaki’, the Kiwi K.A.R.E ambulance, next week. Ann Fournier, a Registered Nurse and retired Canadian Army Captain, was busy stocking it up with a wide range of medical necessities yesterday.

    This heralds the start of the Kiwi K.A.R.E Outreach Programme which Ann will manage initially, working in Red Zones and newly liberated areas, serving those Ukrainians who haven’t seen a heath professional for many months and, in some cases, years given the length of time south east Ukraine has been under occupation.

    Have a glance at our short video which covers the journey of the medial aid from Auckland to Kyiv.

    Our heartfelt thanks to all those who donated aid, assisted in loading, and managed the international logistics. You’re a wonderful bunch of humans.

    #kiwikare #StandWithUkraine #украина #ukraine #slavaukraini

    🇺🇦 ❤️ 🇳🇿

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    • 16/10/2023 by Gillian

      Congratulations on your persistence with this project, and best wishes to Ann, may she travel safe.


    • 16/10/2023 by Tenby Powell

      Thanks Gillian. We will release an interview with Ann soon, talking about her clinical focus and the areas where she will travel. Thanks for your continued support. Regards, Tenby

  • Ambulance Dedication & Handover

      12 September 2023

    We have now handed over the New Zealand ambulances to frontline Ukrainian medical units.

    Six of the seven ambulances have been repainted in camouflage; the unpainted one will become the Kiwi K.A.R.E mobile health unit, managed initially by Canadian nurse, Capt Ann Fournier, RN, to provide general health care for those in newly liberated areas, who haven’t seen a health professional, in some cases, for years.

    Each ambulance has a name in Te Reo, reflecting one of the seven key principles of Tanga, or Māori worldview: Rangatira (Leadership); Manaaki (Caring); Kotahi (Unity); Whanau (Relationships); Kaitiaki (Guardianship); Wairua (Spirit); and Tupuna (Ancestry).

    We have named the Kiwi K.A.R.E mobile health unit Manaaki (caring seemed most appropriate in the circumstances for our vehicle).

    I’m grateful to Paora Stanley, CEO o Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi of #Tauranga for their advice on the names and for their blessing, from afar, of the ambulances and all who will travel within them.

    The names have resonated significantly with the Ukrainians. These warrior vehicles will operate proudly in the service of freedom for Ukraine.

    Most importantly, thank you to all those who have supported us in this mahi. Particularly, Hato Hone St John, Wallenius Wilhelmsen shipping, Volvo Car Poland, and our many New Zealand and International supporters.

    Please keep your support coming so we can keep the humanitarian and medical aid wheels rolling.

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    • 12/09/2023 by Gillian

      Well done to you all for another carefully thought out and executed project.

      So proud of you...go safe.


    • 12/09/2023 by Tenby Powell

      Thanks Gillian - we were well supported by a great multinational team. Thanks for your continued support 💙💛

    • 12/09/2023 by New

      Great stuff.

    • 23/09/2023 by Chris

      This is amazing work. A huge thank you for supporting Ukrainians.

    • 24/09/2023 by Tenby Powell

      Thanks for your comment, Chris. It’s always great for the team to know we are supported. Your encouragement is very appreciated.

  • Kiwi K.A.R.E Ambulances for Ukraine

      9 August 2023

    The New Zealand Ambulances Have Made it to Ukraine.

    An epic journey that started mid-last year with a phone call to St John Ambulance from a beleaguered Kharkiv, has ended with seven decommissioned New Zealand ambulances crossing the Polish border into Ukraine.

    The ambulances left New Zealand on 4 May and a combined Ukrainian / U.S. / NZ team retrieved them from the Port at Antwerp, Belgium. The 2,500 km drive from Antwerp to Kyiv took us via Hamburg, Germany, to fill the vehicles with medical aid from, Kiwi K.A.R.E partner, UA Never Alone, a great bunch of displaced Ukrainians who run a big, professionally managed, humanitarian hub.

    Over the next three weeks the ambulances will be fully serviced by our Kyiv based partner, UA Day by Day, before handing them over to medical units and Red Zone hospitals.

    The plan was always to keep one or two within the Kiwi K.A.R.E fleet as mobile health clinics to staff with Doctors and Nurses in newly liberated areas. I sincerely hope we can keep to that plan however we need to continue to raise funds to run all our vehicles.

    Thanks for all your amazing support New ZeLand and friends around the world. If you can continue to support us, we truly appreciate it.

    #kiwikare #StandWithUkraine #украина #ukraine #slavaukraini

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    • 09/08/2023 by Gillian

      Another great achievement, Tenby.

      Of course we shall keep supporting these efforts.

      Stay safe.


    • 10/08/2023 by Tenby Powell

      Thanks so much, Gillian, your continued support, and that of many generous New Zealanders, is absolutely tremendous and we are very grateful to you.

  • Kiwi K.A.R.E's container of medical aid from New Zealand is on its way to Ukraine

      29 June 2023

    My huge thanks to a wonderful bunch of Tauranga folk for packing and shipping a container of medical aid, and to all those around New Zealand who donated so generously to enable us to fill the container.

    Joe, Tracey, and Gabbie, without you guys this would not have happened. Thank you for managing the warehouse and the shipping admin so professionally Joe. And Sally, Marty, and Sam - thank you for helping load the container, you guys are an amazing family.

    And huge thanks to Johnnie Davison of On-Send Logistics and Gerry Claudatos of Nautica Shipping for all your work with shipping logistics.

    There is not enough space here to thank all those who donated, please know we are very grateful to you.

    I did want to mention Doctors Julian Lofts and Michael Klaassen who sourced a significant volume of medaid. None the least of which is an anesthetic machine from St Mark’s Surgical Centre in Auckland.

    Thanks also to Tauranga Conmunity Nurse, Julie McRae for all your hard work. Andrew Graham and Cameron Weitz of ProPharma, Kim Kempthorne of Medical Aid Abroad, Kane Turner of KT Medical Serices, and the indefatigable Lyndon Tamblyn of Beyond Disaster Relief.

    And thank you New Zealand for all your support. If you feel you can donate to keep the wheels rolling, we would hugely appreciate your support.

    #kiwikare #StandWithUkraine #украина #ukraine #slavaukraini

    🇺🇦 ❤️ 🇳🇿

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    • 29/06/2023 by New

      Great work


      23 June 2023
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    300 Heaters and Water Boilers Provided Ukrainian’s Relief During the Winter.

    I’ve been back in Ukraine for a few weeks now and we have our new 12 tonne truck en route to deliver much needed medical aid to beleaguered Kherson. More on that soon.

    I am also catching up on all the great work that happened during their winter.

    One important thing was the manufacture and distribution of heaters and water boilers.

    Huge thanks to all our wonderful supporters who funded Kiwi K.A.R.E to enable this to happen. Our Ukrainian partners tell us it was literally a life saver for some.

    I have come back to many messages from organisations who received a heater and many say it made the harsh winter bareable for them.

    As you’ll see in the video, the stoves aren’t pretty but they are very effective, well made and robust, and, at about $40 NZ Dollars a unit, great value for money.

    My big thanks my friends and partners Oleksii Tsapenko and Олег Купцов of Ukrainian NGO, UA Day by Day, for making this all happen.

    So, thank you New Zealand for all your support over the winter.

    Kiwi K.A.R.E is a much larger organisation now and we sure do need your continued help to keep the wheels of humanitarian and medical aid rolling.

    #kiwikare #StandWithUkraine #украина #ukraine #slavaukraini 🇺🇦 ❤️ 🇳🇿

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  • Extended Fundraising Date

      18 May 2023
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    Dear friends, we have extended our goal to raise $500,000 until August. We now have a larger and more operational capable entity and we will review this date again later in the year.

    Thank you for all your support to enable us to provide humanitarian and medical aid to Ukrainian’s living under siege in the red zones.

      2 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 18/05/2023 by Murray

      This is great work you're doing.

      The link for Twitter doesn't seem to be working for me however.

    • 18/05/2023 by Tenby Powell

      Thanks for your support, Murray, and your feedback re the twitter link. We’ll get it sorted immediately. 💙💛

  • Kiwi K.A.R.E Fundraising & Humanitarian Aid update

      9 May 2023
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    Over the past five months, while the team have been doing great work in Ukraine, back here in New Zealand, we have been reconstituting KiwiKARE with both an enhanced capability and more funds.

    Last Thursday in Christchurch was the final of 22 speeches around New Zealand, as part of fundraising for KiwiKARE.

    My thanks to all the many organisations and individuals who arranged speaking events, and to the hundreds of people who made time to attend.

    Last Thursday’s event at the Christchurch Club was organised and hosted by Tim Howe of, business advisory firm Ocean Partners, with the closing remarks given by Hon. Gerry Brownlee, MP.

    My thanks to Tim, Gerry and the wonderful team at the Christchurch Club for your friendship and support.

    Our, all absorbing, project of getting the seven decommissioned Hato Hone St John ambulances to Ukraine reached a milestone with the units now on the water as of last week and starting their 30,000km journey to Europe.

    We have already started planning for their arrival, and how we intend to distribute five or six to medical organisations, while keeping one or two as mobile health clinics for Kiwi K.A.R.E to operate in the red zones.

    We have had tremendous support with this project by many organisations, none the least of which is St John themselves, together with shipping company Wallenius Wilhelmsen and freight forwarders, Nautica Shipping and Logistics.

    We are still collecting medical aid at our warehouse in Tauranga and this will continue for the foreseeable future. We already have enough to fill a 20’ container and will that get that away asap.

    Last Sunday, Lyndon Tamblyn and his partner Jenny from Byond Disaster Relief NZ

    drove up from Bulls with over a ton of humanitarian aid. Absolutely amazing.

    Thanks to the many people who have donated medaid, you’ve all been incredible and we are very grateful.

    We are so appreciative of the generous support of so many to Kiwi K.A.R.E Ukraine.

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  • The Ambulances are Ready to Go!

      15 April 2023

    It’s been a very busy two months for Kiwi K.A.R.E both in Ukraine and here in New Zealand.

    In Ukraine the team continues to deliver humanitarian and medical aid well forward and they have done an incredible job over the harsh Eastern European winter. I’m so very proud of each and everyone of them.

    Back here, I’ve been on a fundraising speaking tour for Kiwi K.A.R.E and wanted to thank all the various business and community groups who invited me to speak.

    New Zealand Rotary you have been amazing across many regions, as has the The Northern Club, Weave Group, Probus, World Affairs Forum and numerous business groups.

    We also had a cool roadie from Christchurch to Auckland, bringing four of the seven ambulances north. Big thanks to our wonderful drivers: my daughter, Charlotte Powell, and members of the Ukrainian Society in NZ: Valeriya Amelichkina and Graham Jones.

    All seven ambulances are now ready to go by ship to Ukraine next month. Have a glance at our short roadie vid.

    Lastly, we have had medical aid donations from a truly wonderful group of people and organisations. I’m going to mention more about our supporters in future posts, but I wanted to thank:

    💙 Dr’s Julian Loft and Michael Klaassen, both specialist plastic surgeons who have got right behind our medaid needs;

    💛 St Marks Surgical Center in Auckland, who have provided an anaesthetic machine, and Rob at Performance Transport for delivering it to Tauranga;

    💙 Kane Turner of KT Medical & Communications Services for all their support;

    💛 Kim Kempthrone of Medical Aid Abroad and the team at Prophama in Auckland for all their medaid and support;

    💙 Dr Marty Lemberg, a leading GP in Tauranga for sorting out the medaid in our warehouse;

    💛 Sally Cooke and Tuskany Agency for their indefatigable comms support, and;

    💙 Manager extraordinaire, Cathy Horton for organising a number of speaking events at The Northern Club.

    If you feel you can, please help us to support the people of Ukraine, many of whom are still under siege, by clicking to donate here and if you have already, our heartfelt thanks.

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  • Seven New Zealand Ambulances Heading to War Torn Ukraine

      19 March 2023

    Kiwi K.A.R.E. will soon take seven, decommissioned, St John Ambulances to Ukraine. We will keep two as mobile health clinics, with the remaining five going to front line medical centres. We also have funds to purchase a 10 tonne truck. Therefore we have lifted our fundraising goal by $50,000 to ensure we have OPEX to run and maintain the additional vehicles.

    Please click on the link for the Radio NZ interview:

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  • UA DAY BY DAY - A Ukrainian NGO

      16 March 2023

    Kiwi K.A.R.E continues to operate in Ukraine and to support our friends and key partners. This video was filmed in Bakhmut by UA Day by Day, a Ukrainian NGO who we work with, side by side, delivering medical and humanitarian aid and conducting evacuations when needed.

      4 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 16/03/2023 by Blue Hills Family Trust

      Thank you for showing us the wonderful work you are doing. Love to you all and to the people you are helping.

    • 16/03/2023 by New

      All power to Kiwi K.A.R.E. What a pointless war. I saw a photo recently of a Ukrainian who reminded me of a family member. He looked like he should be reading stories to his grandkids next to the fire, with his dog. Instead he was fighting in Bakhmut and he looked cold, and exhausted.

    • 17/03/2023 by Tenby Powell

      Thanks for your continued support Stephanie- we all appreciate it greatly. 💙💛

    • 17/03/2023 by Mark Jenkins

      Seeing the work Kiwi KARE has undertaken brings the project to life! Well done Kiwi KARE for your ongoing support for the plight of these underserving people

  • Continuing the work of Kiwi K.A.R.E through the harsh Ukraine winter

      19 January 2023
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    Kiwi K.A.R.E. and our Friends Continue to Get Humanitarian and Medical Aid Through.

    As our vigil for Andrew Bagshaw and Christoper Parry continues, so too does the work of Kiwi K.A.R.E. and our colleagues in Red Zones (those towns and villages behind the front lines).

    On Andy and Chris - despite reports to the contrary, none of us have given up hope and we maintain a belief that they may still be alive. We continue to work hard behind the scenes to locate them and get them home safely.

    This update is a photographic exposé of the last few days in Ukraine. The teams have been operating under extremely challenging conditions, which also includes the weather.

    My thanks to Kiwi K.A.R.E. team member Carlo Bravo and his talented colleagues for the photos.

    Just an explanatory note: none of the team members in any of the photos are soldiers. We wear helmets and body armour for personal protection when needed and it has a military look about it. But I can assure you, all those pictured are humanitarian aid volunteers.

    Nearly 900 New Zealanders have supported Kiwi K.A.R.E and we are incredibly grateful for and humbled by this support. If you feel you can or give more, please click to donate.

    #kiwikare #StandWithUkraine #украина #ukraine #slavaukraini

    🇺🇦 ❤️ 🇳🇿

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  • Christmas Shopping for Ukraine

      22 December 2022
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    On behalf of Kiwi K.A.R.E, my big thanks to the many New Zealanders, and our friends overseas, who have supported our operation in Ukraine this past five months.

    It sure has been a journey and none of it would have been possible without the support from so many who gave so generously.

    Sadly for many Ukrainians, their struggle continues and now, at the beginning of the harsh Eastern European winter, they will endure life without power and water as the missiles and drones continue to rain down on their infrastructure.

    Many of you have asked how best to support Ukrainian’s over this period. As you know, Kiwi K.A.R.E remains fully operational under the stellar leadership of Colby Pakarno.

    We have created a short list below of key items that Colby and the team are constantly trying to source. Remember - items are much cheaper in Eastern Europe where the NZ Dollar has strong, comparative, purchasing power.

    So, if you feel you can contribute this Christmas, we will purchase the things listed below and get them to those in the newly liberated areas, and where the power and water is most limited.

    Below is a small sample of photos from recent Kiwi K.A.R.E. ops, thanks to Carlo Bravo, our valued Peruvian team member and photojournalist.

    Thanks again everyone, you have been amazing! I wish you and your families a joyous, safe, and very Merry Christmas.


    💙 4KW portable gas heaters that run on 11kg propane cylinders - circa NZ$150 in Poland

    💛 Generators: 2.5kva portable to 20kva diesel generators (this covers a range for individual houses in villages to powering multilevel apartments) - a few $NZ100 to $NZ2,500

    💙 Wood burning stoves and water heaters: $NZ48 -$NZ80 (depending on size and water tank capacity).

    💛 Power Inverters - 5000W high power, 10000W peaking power outdoor DC 12V 24V 48V modified sine wave power generator inverter for home. Circa $NZ250

    💙 Led Head torches - rechargeable, with long operating times: $NZ15 - $NZ60

    💛 Food, drinking water, water purifying tabs, toothpaste, soap, feminine hygiene products, and a range of basic medical items (including paracetamol) are still needed and we continue to source these regularly.

    #kiwikare #StandWithUkraine #украина #ukraine #slavaukraini

    🇺🇦 ❤️ 🇳🇿

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    • 23/12/2022 by Gillian

      What an inspirational Christmas shopping list, Tenby...just what we needed.

      "On the fifth day of Christmas, KiwiKARE gave to me:

      one gas heater, two generators, three wood burning stoves, four power inverters, five LED torches and a Kiwi in a Punga tree"

      Best wishes to all of the KiwiKARE team for Christmas and may all in Ukraine have a better New Year.


  • Destruction on an industrial scale

      1 December 2022

    Our latest video shows the absolute devastation of Kam’yanka, a town close to Izyum, the site of the mass graves, and en route to Kramatorsk and ultimately Bukmut.

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  • Ukraine Under Siege

      27 November 2022
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    As a consequence of continued aggressive attacks on Ukrainian power infrastructure and civilian targets, and to support Ukrainian families over a longer period, Kiwi KARE is now focussing on raising funds for a full two year operation in Ukraine.

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    • 27/11/2022 by Gillian

      A good decision, we shall continue supporting this cause.

      Stay safe.


    • 28/11/2022 by Tenby Powell

      Thanks Gillian - your continued support is greatly appreciated. 💙💛

  • Kiwi K.A.R.E delivers critical supplies to Mykolaiv

      9 November 2022
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    Mykolaiv is a port city near the Black Sea in southern Ukraine with a pre-war population of about 470,000.

    Today it’s population is less than half that due to constant shelling and missile strikes over the last eight months.

    It is located on the Southern Bug River and has the most downriver bridge crossing of that river, with access to the Black Sea - and that makes it strategically important.

    The city has traditionally served as a transportation hub for Ukraine (sea port, commercial port, river port, highway and railway junction, and a major airport).

    The battle of Mykolaiv started on the night of 26 February 2022, as part of the southern Ukraine counter-offensive. It ended in Russian forces being repulsed from the city in March, and by April all but a few of its surrounding villages were under Ukrainian control.

    The port city still gets hit regularly from afar with a high school and apartment building being targeted while Kiwi KARE was there, killing one student and injuring many more other people. This is what the traumatised residents of Mykolaiv have been subjected to for over eight months.

    Kiwi KARE had our two vans there loaded with much needed medial aid for the Mykolaiv Hospital and another medical facility.

    We will return soon.

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  • Kiwi K.A.R.E on the ground in Vovchans'k

      26 October 2022

    Vovchans’k is a small Ukrainian city in the Kharkiv Oblast (province) with a pre-war population of around 18,000.

    Today it’s a forgotten ghost town inhabited by the elderly who either refuse to leave or who can’t leave.

    The road from Kharkiv used to be good, taking no more than two hours. Today, it is the worst I’ve driven in Ukraine.

    It takes over four hours to get into the township, navigating a sea of potholes and skirting many damaged bridges, driving through Chuhuiv and Khotymla,

    Many won’t take their vans there; it’s too hard on the vehicles and it’s very close to the Russian border. At one point, we were only 1 kilometre from Russia, at a distribution point from where much needed humanitarian aid is delivered around the township.

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  • Kiwi K.A.R.E Ukraine

      7 October 2022

    Your support ensures we can continue to provide critical Kiwi aid and refugee services to the people of Ukraine, who so deperately need it. See some of the work we do here...

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  • A huge day for Kiwi K.A.R.E Ukraine

      23 September 2022

    A huge day today for #KiwiKARE - getting food to what were, until very recently, front line villages. Please help up keep the vehicles rolling by donating

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  • The reality of school life in Ukraine

      14 September 2022

    From hospitals to schools - it’s resource intensive and there is a huge lack of resources.

    Please donate to, and share about the work, Kiwi K.A.R.E is doing.

    #kiwiKare #украина #ukraine #slavaukraini #StandWithUkraine

    🇺🇦 ❤️ 🇳🇿

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  • Hospitals in Ukraine need essential equipment

      5 September 2022

    This is a hospital kitchen that caters to some 150 people, three times a day. Please give generously to, and spread the word about, Kiwi K.A.R.E

    #kiwiKare #украина #ukraine #slavaukraini #StandWithUkraine

    🇺🇦 ❤️ 🇳🇿

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  • The reality of hospital life in Ukraine

      29 August 2022

    We have agreed a formal partnership with Promteaus dla Seniorow, a large Warsaw based humanitarian Foundation, and a HUMAID agency called Folkowiskon, who have been providing support to the people of Ukraine from the outset of the Russian invasion.

    Both organisations do considerable work in supporting schools and hospitals and today I travelled with them and was introduced to some of their key contacts.

    I’m going to take you on a tour of a very poor hospital in great need of support - just to highlight the conditions under which doctors, nurses, and their patients, work and live.

    Please donate to Kiwi K.A.R.E - every dollar helps:

    #kiwiKare #украина #ukraine #slavaukraini #StandWithUkraine

    🇺🇦 ❤️ 🇳🇿

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  • The reality of being born under war-torn conditions

      24 August 2022

    Even during a war, the circle of life continues, albeit under very challenging conditions for many.

    Born into a very uncertain future, we met this beautiful baby girl, alone in a big room, in the hospital’s only incubator.

    They need many more incubators, together with a range of other specialist medical equipment.

    Please donate to Kiwi K.A.R.E and help us support this little one and those looking after her:

    #kiwiKare #украина #ukraine #slavaukraini #StandWithUkraine

    🇺🇦 ❤️ 🇳🇿

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  • Delivering much needed hospital equipment and supplies

      23 August 2022

    The Ukrainian health care system was not great before the war; yet another Soviet legacy.

    Despite attempts at reforms, buildings and medical equipment was often obsolete and in urgent need of modernisation.

    Bear in mind, this was not a mature or stable system, as in many European countries, before the war

    Today, six months after the invasion started, it is estimated that some 400 Ukrainian hospitals and medical centres have been destroyed or damaged, leaving doctors and nurses without equipment and drugs to manage everything from battlefield casualties to cancer.

    The delivery of even the most basic items is essential.

    Please help Kiwi K.A.R.E., and all the amazing HUMAID organisations with whom we work, make a positive impact to Ukraine’s most vulnerable by donation via this link:

    #kiwiKare #украина #ukraine #slavaukraini #StandWithUkraine

    🇺🇦 ❤️ 🇳🇿

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  • Latest update from Kiwi K.A.R.E. Director Tenby Powell

      15 August 2022

    #NewZealand - a huge thank you from #Ukraine!

    We reached twenty percent of our goal to establish Kiwi K.A.R.E (Kiwi Aid & Refugee Evacuation) for a twelve month operation in Ukraine in a mere 10 days, and it has grown since then. We are now over the $55,000 mark.

    My heartfelt thanks to those who donated and to those who are spreading the word about our #humanitarianaid work.

    Please watch and share my video which gives you an update of last week’s work in Ukraine.

    And don’t forget to catch Tova O'Brien’s interview with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, on Wednesday, August 17th, at 6:30AM on Today FM.

    #kiwiKare #украина #ukraine #slavaukraini #StandWithUkraine

    🇺🇦 ❤️ 🇳🇿

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  • Thank you New Zealand! 💙 💛

      11 August 2022
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    We are nearly at twenty percent of our goal in only 10 days. My huge thanks to all those generous souls who have donated and also to those who are supporting Kiwi K.A.R.E by spreading the word. Thank you one and all.

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  • Job done

      6 August 2022
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    JOB DONE ✔️

    Ambulances delivered directly into the hands of those who need them and, most importantly, know how to use them.

    The big tough looking guy is a Doctor, the other two are combat medics. One was limping very badly and took his arm out of a sling for the photo.

    And great to meet Bartosz Cichocki, the Polish Ambassador to #Ukraine who greeted us. I liked him a lot. He was one of the few Ambassadors who remained in #kyiv during the Russian assault on the city and is doing great work today.

    As you’ll observe, I was dressed appropriately for meeting the Ambassador, adorned with #Kiwiana. Big shout out to the Moutere Inn!

    I want to be very clear about my role in all this. I was the honorary member of an awesome Polish team. They needed someone who could drive competently on the wrong side of the road, who didn’t mind endless hours behind the wheel, and who could speak fluent Ukrainian. In the absence of all that, I got the call and it all worked out splendidly anyway.

    Don’t forget to donate to, or spread the word about, Kiwi K.A.R.E., here’s the link:

    #kiwiKare #украина #ukraine #slavaukraini

    🇺🇦 🇵🇱 🇳🇿

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  • Our convoy of ambulances

      4 August 2022

    Driving across #Poland in a convoy of ambulances bound for #Ukraine. We’ll cross the border tomorrow and head East.

    Great to be working with a top Polish team. 

    #kiwiKare #украина #ukraine #slavaukraini

    🇺🇦 🇳🇿 🇵🇱

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