A fundraiser to help protect Kohimarama Forest — A critical urban forest & wetland. Home to nesting Kererū, Ruru, Pīwakawaka and more...
Kohimarama, Auckland
Learn more about the forest at www.kohiforest.com
Kohimarama Forest is a remnant forest in the heart of Auckland City's Eastern Bays at 18-20 Pamela Place. It was never cleared for pasture and as a result, the forest is a mature ecosystem, retaining the complex relationships of ancient Aotearoa that do not exist in younger forests.
The forest is currently the home of native Tui, Pīwakawaka (Fantail), Ruru, nesting Kererū, and more recently there have been sightings of Kaka. Forests regenerate slowly and their full range of diversity (lichens, mosses, mycorrhizae, fungi and insects) are not easily replaced. Therefore, if we as a nation are to strive towards more progressive environmental goals, we must protect the forests we already have, especially those that exist in our cities. After years of neglect under private ownership, significant restoration work by the community has seen the forest to return to its former glory. It is now a reference ecosystem for other regeneration projects, providing seeds, plants and lichen to support local initiatives by Auckland Council and Ngāti Whātua Orākei. The forest is also a key linkage environment for native birds returning from predator-free islands in the Hauraki Gulf as they repopulate on the mainland.
Where will your money go?
Our Give A Little campaign is trying to be an inclusive strategy for people to offer support who do not necessarily have the financial background that is necessary for the larger donations. Smaller offers of support (numbers of supporters rather than dollar amounts) provide the background against which we will approach the larger funding foundations and businesses once we have this demonstration of a support base, to help us fund the purchase of the forest.
In the short term, it will help us cover the costs of advertisement, web hosting, printing, PR, Legal & any ecological surveys that need to be done.
If we are unsuccessful at protecting the forest, the money will be donated to restoration groups in the area such as Eastern Bays Songbird Project (https://www.songbird.org.nz/)
Learn more about our future vision at: www.kohiforest.com/vision
In early November, 19 Pamela Place, the site of the forest, was put up for sale by the Melanesian Mission Trust. It is described as a freehold site of 22,830m² close to all amenities with favourable zoning, perfect for residential development. There is no mention of its vital ecological significance for the area.
It is essential that we turn this current sale into an opportunity to preserve this ancient fragment of Aotearoa so that it can reach its full value as an ecosystem, integral to the environmental, social and cultural health and future of Tāmaki Makaurau.
A member of the 'task force' established to help save the forest and ensure that the environment is able to thrive ecologically, economically, culturally & socially for current and future generations.
In the short term, it will help us cover the costs of advertisement, web hosting, printing, PR, Legal & any ecological surveys that need to be done. Thank you so much!
It's official! 16 December 2021
Kohimarama Forest Preservation Group is delighted with the decision by Melanesian Mission Trust Board today to defer sale of the land and rights comprising Kohimarama Forest.
Instead, the Trust Board will work with the community groups who have supported Kohimarama Forest to develop a solution that meets the interests of Auckland as well as the charitable obligations of the Melanesian Mission Trust.
Welcoming the outcome as a spokesperson for Kohimarama Forest Preservation Group, John Blair said;
”This is great news and crucially gives us the time we asked for to work collaboratively with the relevant interested parties to preserve this amazing piece of very diverse native forest and wetland.”
Excellent work by volunteers over the past three years, supported by Eastern Bays Songbird Project, Auckland Council and the Orakei Local Board unearthed an ecological treasure in an urban environment. Efforts will now focus on establishing an appropriate structure for the long term ownership, governance and maintenance of Kohimarama Forest to preserve it for the wider community as a resource for research, education and recreation.
Kohimarama Forest Preservation Group welcomed the support of Councillor Desley Simpson who, on behalf of Auckland Council, has greatly assisted this outcome. Cr Simpson has agreed for the time being to be the key spokesperson for the Group and to help facilitate the necessary processes to bring this to a permanent solution for the long term benefit of all who live in Tamaki Makaurau.
Cr Simpson has previously made clear her concern that the offer made by the Melanesian Mission Trust for Auckland Council to purchase the land was rejected without her knowledge. “This part of Auckland hosts mature trees more than 100 years old. With climate change and environmental impacts front of mind for so many, it’s absolutely imperative for Council to work with the community to look at all options to keep this important ecological corridor free from development.”
More information will come regarding the forest and Give A Little in the next couple weeks. Best place to stay updated is either in these page updates or: www.facebook.com/KohiForest
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