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#LandBack Help us buy back our ancestral land in Wairarapa

  • Latest update from us

      7 March 2022
    Posted by: Te Tini o Ngāti Kahukuraawhitia Trust
    Main image

    Kia ora koutou katoa,

    After finally having finished a long process of establishing a trust and a trust bank account we are now in a position to receive any moni aroha and donations of support and put it towards purchasing whenua.

    In total, we raised:

    DIRECT BANK: $122,711

    GIVEALITTLE: $182,918

    Because of Givealittle’s service fee we will only get $177,077 from them.


    Unfortunately, this was not enough to purchase the original piece of land we intended to purchase. However, this has provided our whānau with a strong base from which to look to purchase another piece of whenua for our people.

    Again, we thank you all on behalf of our tūpuna, our current uri and our future generations yet to come. We appreciate all of this aroha from young and old, from money donations to service donations to mini fundraisers, from Māori and non-Māori, from here in Aotearoa and across the world, including our Indigenous whanaunga. Te rourou o te tini will not be forgotten, we will make sure of that.

    Nā mātau,

    Trustees of Te Tini o Kahukuraawhitia Trust

    (Joel, Amber and Safari).

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  • Update 1

      15 April 2021

    What’s Happened

    As of 13 April 2021, we have raised:

    $160,488 on Givealittle and

    $110,391 in direct bank deposits

    Yesterday we submitted our tender offer 'subject to finance' which means that our offer is there subject to us raising enough money to meet it.

    The tender offer we have submitted is commercially sensitive, so we can't post it.

    We are continuing to work through legal support/advice in establishing our charitable trust and protect the integrity of the money fundraised

    Once we know the outcome of our tender we will have the final date for fundraising support to meet the tender price.

    We are continuing to contact individuals, businesses and Māori organisations to financially support us.

    We still need everyone's help to meet our tender offer.

    If we aren't successful with purchasing this whenua, the money will be protected and used to purchase another parcel of whenua within our rohe, another time.

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  • Clarification

      9 April 2021

    1) The purchasers as named on this sales agreement will be individuals Amber Craig and Joel Ngātuere. Joel and Amber are making the tender bid on behalf of the hapū. If successful in this tender, the land will be owned by Amber Craig and Joel Ngātuere

    2) If this sale does not go through, all donations will be put into a Trust for Ngāti Kahukuraawhitia that will be used for purchasing another parcel of land at a later date. We are in the process of establishing this trust now.

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