Fundraising to help with the care of baby Lily while she is in hospital awaiting heart surgery .
Waikato, Waikato District
Liliana Elinor Marengo Colvin born 26/6/22 3 weeks early weighing 5lb3oz . The birth went well and mum and dad were soon holding a beautiful baby girl but moments later things took a dramatic turn for the worst and Lily was rushed to icu where she was put on life support and found to have a very rare heart condition where some of the plumbing is missing ( in short she has a broken heart ). Within hrs she was airlifted 500 kms to NICU in Sydney for complex heart surgery . Mum was discharged the next day and headed to Sydney . While in icu with Lily mum collapsed and was rushed to resus in septic shock from some placenta that hadn’t been removed , She’s ok now . Surgeons decided it will be safer to postpone Lilys Heart surgery until she reaches 5 kgs meaning at least 3 mths in hospital until op then a lengthy stay after . 500kms from home and work dad will have to split his time and travel plus extra costs of mum and Lily in hospital will be a strain not to mention the worry of little Lilys condition , so please if you can donate any amount at all it will be greatly appreciated . These guys have got a huge mountain to climb and any donation no matter how small will help ease the burden . Let’s get behind them and share with friends and any groups you belong to . Together we can make a difference for them
This page is fundraising for My Daughter , son Inlaw and granddaughter.
Travel food accommodation living costs anything needed for Lily and hospital costs over the 4 to 5 months they will be in hospital.
Update 10/10/2022 - Funds will now go towards Liliana’s funeral expenses.
Thankyou so much . We will post pictures of Lilys celebration which will be this coming week sometime. 💕💕💕
Titan Roofing Ross and Vanessa 💯❤️
Thankyou for your donation, much appreciated
Thankyou very much appreciated
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