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Local Muriwai firefighter Craig died a Hero. Support his wife and young boys

$259,288 donated
Given by 3275 generous donors in around 4 months

Support the family of Craig Stevens, a volunteer firefighter who lost his life in the Muriwai landslide as a result of Cyclone Gabrielle

Muriwai, Auckland

Late in the evening, on the 13th of February 2023, Cyclone Gabrielle brought total devastation to Muriwai Beach. Local volunteer firefighters Craig and his colleague Dave were at the aid of residents fleeing their flooding homes when a large-scale landslide occurred trapping them both. Emergency services worked for several hours in treacherous conditions managing to rescue Craig. He was rushed to hospital in life threatening condition and fought for his life for 3 days. His family were evacuated from their Muriwai property, and at this stage not able to return.

We know Craig would love you to view Compass - A BMX Retrospective with Craig Stevens | DIG BMX.

Use of funds

Financial aid will be used to support his wife Lucy and their 2 young boys.

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A year today since Cyclone Gabrielle hit the Muriwai community  13 February 2024

Today we think of Craig, who passed on the 16th of Feb 2023 as a result of helping the Muriwai community he loved. We think of his colleague Dave who lost his life alongside him, and the other 9 lives lost in New Zealand from the horrific night.

Sadly, Lucy (Craig’s wife) had confirmation in December – that they would never be able to return to their family home, which they had to evacuate that night. The funding raised in those first few months has eased pressure over the toughest year of their lives, and in the future will help to contribute to a new home. For now, they continue to rent locally.

Lucy, Marianne (Craig’s mother), and their families would like to express their gratitude for your support in raising funds last year. From all that knew Craig, to many that didn’t, the ten-year-old Bruno who went busking – Together you raised $259, 287.60 - from over 3,300 donations, and wrote 1,000's of heartfelt messages (we are still getting through). Ngā mihi nui - Thank you.

Aroha nui,

Haidee Renata on behalf of our dear friends, Lucy & Craig, their boys, and Marianne Stevens.

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Jun 2023
Bhavik on 24 May 2023
RIP Craig. My Condolences to Craig's Family
Ruth on 16 May 2023
Manly Fire Brigade
Manly Fire Brigade on 07 May 2023
Manly Fire Brigade Donation
Pauline on 30 Apr 2023

Who's involved?

Haidee Renata's avatar
Created by Haidee Renata
Lucy Stevens's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Lucy Stevens
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This campaign started on 17 Feb 2023 and ended on 30 Jun 2023.