Above Knee amputee looking for assistance in adjusting to new life after the system has all but abandoned her.
Trentham, Upper Hutt
I have set this page up for my wife Linda. Sadly she received bad medical care and it has resulted in the amputation of her entire right leg due to Necrotising Fasciitis. Linda had less than a couple of hours to either agree to the amputation or she would be dead within a couple of days. We have (with the assistance of our GP) applied to ACC as this is considered Medical Accident.
ACC have informed us that it can take up to 9 months for them to make a decision BUT that the decision might be a denial of assistance. We have already been waiting for 4 months and it’s Linda whom is suffering because of the time.
I want to raise funds to sort out our bathroom (or a very kind builder), finish access to the house for her wheelchair, consider a van that can take her in her wheelchair so I can get her out more and get her to medical appointments etc.
Medical garments Linda needs are horrendous in pricing and all of this is beginning to bite. Linda has spent her life helping others even down to her last dollar, she is in this predicament through no fault of her own and asking for help is not something she is happy about, even though her life has always been about helping others. I have done this because she is brave and chose to lose her leg so she could stay with our family, Linda deserves life to be a little easier and anything you give will be used wisely and carefully.
ALL donations will go to renovations needed, transport and for things to make Linda’s life easier.
Linda is my wife, friend to many and an outright beautiful; deserving person.
Renovations (bathroom, ramps etc), transport, medical aids and things that will make Linda's life easier.
Update 9/6/2023 - Funds are also needed for legal costs.
Assistance with legal Representation with ACC 17 May 2023
Although ACC found in my favor after their 9 month review of my case they are now holding back on what they will help with. I was advised I would need legal assistance (even though ACC found in my favor) and that is going to cost quite a bit of money, any assistance you can off would be gratefully accepted and appreciated. This is just not fair!
Thank you so much Maddy, appreciate the support. Linda
Thank you so much.
Thank you Christine, this is very kind of you!
Thank you I am certainly trying my friend.