Supporting Moana-Rose, a delightful, resilient 4 year old, to access therapeutic supports, enabling her to shine and be her best Moana-Rose.
Matangi, Waikato
Meet Moana-Rose and her magic making Mum, Becs. They are on a journey of growing up with Spina bifida, epilepsy and a range of related health challenges. Such a journey requires skills of leaping tall buildings of obstacles, facing challenge head on, reaching out, chasing the tough options, being humble and grateful in accepting help, and celebrating milestones.
We would love you to join this journey to keep making the difficult attainable, possible and beneficial.
This is a general fund to help Moana-Rose with a range of therapeutic supports and equipment, following on from her spinal surgery earlier this year, her recent NAPA therapy programme and recommendations from that.
These therapeutic supports are not funded publicly, yet having access to them will make a big difference to Moana-Rose and help her grow into a strong and independent wahine.
It is a fund that strives to enable Moana-Rose to enjoy everyday childhood joys. It is an opportunity to help make magic for Moana-Rose. Thank you for joining in.
Refer past links:
I am a friend of Moana-Rose and her mum Becs and delight in seeing all that is possible with Moana-Rose when people contribute to the magic of making things possible.
Some magic making supports include:
1. Non Invasive Electrical Spinal Stimulation (3 months) $1250
2. Biofeedback for Bladder & Bowel & Physio, Paediactricot, Auckland (1 year) $5000
3. SPIO (Stabilising Pressure Input Orthosis) vest and pants $603
1 Run Fun run / bike / scooter - 5 km Fundraiser Making Magic for Moana-Rose 17 November 2022
Thanks lots for the support to help Moana-Rose make magic, helping Moana-Rose access therapeutic supports. We really appreciate the great support and kindness of our community, friends and family. Thank you all.
Rhiana and Jason Weadon, friends, good people and owners of SWEAT on Birchwood, have very generously organised a 5km fun run / bike / scooter, as a fundraiser to supporting Moana-Rose to access therapeutic supports and equipment.
We would love for as many people as possible to join us for some fun, social exercise on December 1st, at Tamahere Park. Please feel free to come and join us and also share the attached flyer with your friends, family and community.
Moana-Rose and I are looking forward to joining play buddy Saylor Weadon and others for an evening fun bike ride. We heard there may even be cupcakes and live music!
Thanks so much Rhiana, Jason, Saylor and your team of clients at SWEAT for your great support and kindness.
Moana-Rose & Becs
Kia Ora. Thanks so much for your contribution to Moana Rose's future and helping her to make magic. Your support is much appreciated. My apologies for the delay in acknowledging your support - I have been playing in the outdoors. Warmly, Sue
John- a big thanks. You generosity is really appreciated and will contribute to Moana Rose’s journey wonderfully. Warmly, Sue
Awesome Anna. Thanks so much for helping out with getting Moana Rose some of the support and care that will enable her to live fully and magically. Much appreciated. Sue
Rebecca and Richard. Simply, thank you. Your contribution is very much valued by us all and makes you official Moana Rose Magic Makers. Thanks. Sue
Wonderful You. Thank you so much for your donation. Much appreciated. S