Fundraising to build an intermediate track including a 66m long suspension bridge to the summit of Makara Peak.
Makara Peak Supporters wish to make riding to the 412 metre high summit of the park an easier and more enjoyable experience – a world-class experience. Our proposed development of a relatively easy fun route, The Easy Up, will mean more people get to the summit and enjoy the full Makara Peak experience.
The best option for creating an easy climb is a low-gradient route from part one of Three Brothers to the mid-point of Aratihi. This takes advantage of existing low-gradient tracks and opens up an inaccessible part of the park. It would be very popular for intermediate riders heading for the new Peak Flow track, and also makes the southern part of the park more accessible.
The proposed route crosses a steep-sided gully. The gully is not a practical place to build a mountain bike track, but does make for some spectacular scenery. The only feasible option for crossing this gully is a stunning 66m long suspension bridge. The bridge is likely to become an iconic feature not only in the park but for the region.
The area to be traversed by the Easy Up track is currently inaccessible. This makes pest control and other conservation activities difficult.
The new track will allow volunteers to access this area to do further possum & stoat control, weed control and planting. Planting will include species rare to the park such as Kamahi, Kaikomako, Northern rata, Totara and Miro, and others recommended by WCC’s nursery and Forest & Bird.
By donating towards the building of the track and bridge you can play a part in the creation of an attraction that makes the climb to the summit exhilarating and invites riders and walkers to stop and admire the scenery en-route to the summit.
*Our original fundraising target was $131,000. Due to a generous anonymous donation made directly to Makara Peak Supporters, funds raised at our AGM sign auction, Lion Foundation and Community Trust grants and money raised from the Creek to Peak the target has been reduced to $34,000!*
The Makara Peak Supporters are creating a world-class mountain bike park with tracks for all skill levels, in a restored native forest.