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Making Goals be achievable!

  • Thank you!

      9 May 2024

    I would just like to say a very BIG thank you to everyone that has donated to my give a little page

    It definitely dose mean the world to me. To alot of people they just think it's a wheelchair but to me my hole life will change for the better this wheelchair will help me to be independent and live a life I am suppose too🥰

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  • Robooster E 40

      2 March 2024

    Hey Everyone

    I wanted to tell you more about this amazing wheelchair!

    like I have mentioned they can fold down to the same size as a suitcase

    they come in three different options

    they have a night light as well as a USB charging port

    Two of my friends have one they both have said it has changed there life's and has made there everyday life so much easier.

    This to will change my life and make my everyday life so much easier

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