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Started around 7 months ago



As we all know Franz is out walking the length of New Zealand to Raise Awareness for Men's Mental Health and along side him is his good friend Mike, who has taken the time out of his life to help Franz pursue this vision.

Franz will be pushing a pram and walking the length of the country while Mike will be driving the supporters vehicle and as most of us know Franz recently lost his page which means he no longer has a steady income.

They both are setting up a couch in each town they go thru to allow males to come out and talk, Franz and Mike want to be a listening ear for males.

I've decided to create a Givealittle for them to help them out on their journey to cover costs such as food, petrol to help motor the supporters vehicle up the country and also for people who genuinely want to help.

I know how much this walk means for Franz as well as Mike to be able to males in some sort of way.

Franz also plans to give people a business card and in return koha him $1. He plans to create opportunities for the future where he helps males find their purpose in life and also give back to his online community.

I know that their are people overseas that are willing to help him and people that may not get the chance to see him in person so I've made this page for him to help with his future endeavours.

Emma Corlett's involvement (page creator)

I am Franz's partner, mother of his child and number one cheerleader

Use of funds

Petrol and any maintenance needed for the van, food costs and accommodation.

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Who's involved?

Emma Corlett's avatar
Created by Emma Corlett
Paying to a verified bank account of FRANZ-OLIVER LINDSAY

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This campaign started on 14 Feb 2024 and ended on 21 Mar 2024.