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Help us help them at Mānuka Valley Farm

  • How your money was spent!

      25 May 2023

    Hi everyone,

    We just wanted to let you know how the money you donated was spent.

    For those who gave to Maui's cause. - We got a range of new blood tests that revealed her Kidneys are failing. The vets can not say how long it will be before she needs to be put down. It could be weeks, months or years. The good news is that she is doing really well at the moment, with no signs that she is unwell. We have also spent some of the donation money getting her supplements to help keep her kidneys stable.

    For those who donated to the farm, we bought hay for Amelia, Koco, Pepper and the sheep, which will help us get through the winter. And a couple of bags of duck feed.

    Thank you so much, we are over the moon with the generosity of this community.

    We hope everyone and their own fur babies are doing well.

    All the best, Ruby and Tristan

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