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Marcel Syron - Part 2 - Stem Cell Therapy in Thailand

  • Marcels Stemcell trip

      15 April 2024
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    Marcel along with Ray (who was by his right side and helped with his daily needs) and Falko and Andrea, friends who all flew to Bangkok - Thailand on 10 February and returned 28 Feb. Over 18 days Marcel had 3 courses of stem cells injected into the spine and into the muscles at The Regeneration Centre - In between these courses were peptides and vitamins to support his immune system and help it integrate.

    There were rest days in between this. Marcel's first stem cell knocked him down and he slept for 30 hours! He had headaches and felt wiped out but slowly improved.

    Interesting learnings taken away from being in a wheelchair ; Thai foot paths and lack of ramps were a challenge but were made manageable with the support crew Marcel had with him.

    Marcel wants to personally thank all those that cared, prayed for and supported him through this. Thank you to all those that have contributed on 'give a little' too.

    It will be a long journey, this road to recovery but all of us that know him, know how stubborn he is and optimistic too! Lets gooooo!

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  • Thailand Here We Come

      24 January 2024
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    Kia ora whanau

    Just to let you know, we now have a confirmed plan to get Marcel Stem Cell Treatment in Bangkok Thailand at The Regeneration Centre -

    Marcel, supported by his friend and primary caregiver Ray and two other friends will fly to Bangkok via Singapore on 10 February. Marcel will undergo 14 days of Stem Cell Treatment, returning to New Zealand via Singapore on 27 February.

    From Marcel's family and friends, I would like to thank you all for generously contributing towards the costs of this trip.

    We are all hopeful that the Stem Cell Treatment will approve Marcel's mobility in his hands and fingers... and I'll try to provide updates.

    Aroha nui


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      15 January 2024
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    Hello Everyone

    Firstly, thank you all for your continued support of Marcel. It is very much appreciated by all his friends and family.

    If you are able to share this Givealittle online and to friends that would be awesome.

    The update -

    We have dates confirmed for Marcel's treatment at Stem Cell Thailand in Bangkok

    His treatment dates will be from 12-23 February

    Myself and two others will fly with Marcel to Bangkok and stay with him for his treatment.

    Due to the severity of Marcel's injury he will be flying business class so that he can lie flat for the majority of the flight.

    If you are interested, all recent media articles (included interview with Marcel) below:

    Again, many thanks for your support.

    Kind Regards

    Ray Calver and all of Marcel’s friends and family

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  • Update from Marcel

      12 January 2024

    ‘After extensive research globally for the best places to get stem Cell therapy, and which type of stem Cell therapy was most effective we finally settled on going to Thailand. We are looking to fly there mid February.

    The original thought had been Panama which is definitely on the cutting edge of this relatively new Technology, however it has become well known thanks to celebrities going there, and thus has waiting lists up to a year long.

    My Time at the Auckland rehabilitations Centre is now nearly over with only a week to go.

    It has been an overall positive experience with my only wish being that I have been pushed harder.

    My next step is to go to a retirement Home as my care needs are still very high. My aim is to remain in Auckland for the first year. I will continue rehabilitation as an outpatient.’


    Thank you all for your care and support

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