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Mattresses for Grootberg Primary

on 30 Jul 2023

Marci asks

Hi there! I actually am trying to raise money for mattresses for a different school in Namibia. I was wondering if you could tell me or direct me to someone who can tell me where you guys decided to get your mattresses? We looked at local providers and they are totally junky and look like they will fall apart so quickly. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Hi Marci, I'm happy to hear about this, thanks for getting in touch! We put our donation through to the Conservation Travel Foundation and they managed it all for us, so unfortunately I don't have the details of suppliers. Back in 2018 we paid N$385 per mattress (and they weren't great quality but 'best available' within reason). The big cost was transport from Windhoek to Grootberg which was N$20,000, so we filled up the truck with blankets to make the most of it. We considered adding in mattress protectors but in the end it was decided that just getting as many mattresses and blankets there as possible was the priority. Maybe take a look at the Conservation Travel Fund's website - they could be an option for you as they work on the ground in Namibia and are non-profit. Hope this helps in some way? All the best with your efforts, I'm sure they will be greatly appreciated.

Caroline Clegg

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