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Mike Reilly

on 3 Jun 2020

Mandy asks

Hi Tom,

My point is that to have a more effective givealittle campaign you need to clearly tell the story all over again right here on this page. It is an horrific story that needs more attention, so things need to be repeated, the story need to be retold in many ways, links need to be put in all over the place. Someone could join that music scene facebook group I linked you to and post the link back to your givealittle page, and that full article facebook link.

I'm so sorry that you and your Dad have had to go through this. I want you to have the best outcome you can.


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on 2 Jun 2020

Mandy asks

Hi Tom,

I think you need to put some more information, photographs and context on this page? The Herald article is paywalled, so a lot of people won't be able to see all of it. Here is a little post you might be interested in to.


Hi Mandy,

Thanks for getting in touch.

Here is a link to the full article on Facebook.

Tom Reilly

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