Support the future of Māori storytelling by donating to Te Papa Tupu, a 6-month incubator nurturing the next generation of Māori writers.
Māori are writing stories that can change the world. Many of these stories sit in draft, waiting to be nurtured. Te Papa Tupu is the arawhata/ladder for emerging Māori voices, taking them on a 6-month journey to transform their ideas into works ready for publication.
For many Māori, Te Papa Tupu represents not merely an opportunity but a second chance; for those who've juggled the demands of full-time work, parenthood, and the myriad responsibilities that life imposes, who have been forced to sideline their passions due to a lack of time or finances. By offering a stipend, mentorship and time, Te Papa Tupu empowers these voices, enabling them to immerse themselves in their writing for six months.
Te Papa Tupu is about nurturing whakapapa: tuakana/mentors and teina/mentorees circulate knowledge, with many alumni returning to the programme as mentors. Te Papa Tupu is a space created by Māori, with Māori and for Māori.
The operational costs of running Te Papa Tupu are substantial, from financially supporting our kaituhi/writers to organising workshops and attending Writers Festivals. We need to raise $30,000 to nurture this new generation of Māori writers.
Your koha/donation is more than a contribution; it's a legacy. It's an affirmation that every Māori story deserves to be heard, an investment in a future where our children can see themselves in the stories that shape our world. Join us in this mission, and together, let's write a new chapter for Māori literature.
The Māori Literature Trust – Te Waka Taki Kōrero has been fostering new and emerging Māori writers since 2000, transforming the literary landscape of Aotearoa, and nurturing Māori voices with stories to tell.
The $30k will directly support the operational costs of Te Papa Tupu, including:
- A fortnightly stipend for each writer
- Workshops to develop writing, publishing knowledge, and professional skills
- Attending local and international Writers' Festivals
Kei te mihi ki a koutou! 29 March 2024
Tēnā koutou katoa. We want to give a huge mihi to everyone who has supported our kaupapa. We have received so much support and positivity during this campaign - we really couldn't do what we do without you.
We are also making this update to apologise to everyone who entered our Kurangaituku Book/Taonga Raffle - we've just been informed that it's against Givealittle's T&C's to run raffles through them. We are reaching out to all entrants to rectify this.
In the meantime, we are running a free giveaway for the Kurangaituku Bundle over on Instagram and Facebook - where you can enter as many times as you would like. Draw will be done on April 5th.
Once again, we are so sorry about this e te iwi. We are new to crowdfunding, so this has been a big learning curve for us. Kei te mihi ki a koutou katoa for all your support and for helping us nurture the next generation of Māori writers.
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