Kei te mihi ki a koutou!
29 March 2024Tēnā koutou katoa. We want to give a huge mihi to everyone who has supported our kaupapa. We have received so much support and positivity during this campaign - we really couldn't do what we do without you.
We are also making this update to apologise to everyone who entered our Kurangaituku Book/Taonga Raffle - we've just been informed that it's against Givealittle's T&C's to run raffles through them. We are reaching out to all entrants to rectify this.
In the meantime, we are running a free giveaway for the Kurangaituku Bundle over on Instagram and Facebook - where you can enter as many times as you would like. Draw will be done on April 5th.
Once again, we are so sorry about this e te iwi. We are new to crowdfunding, so this has been a big learning curve for us. Kei te mihi ki a koutou katoa for all your support and for helping us nurture the next generation of Māori writers.