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MMA World Champs Fundraiser | Ollie Schmid & Rory O'Keeffe

  • Staying abroad due to NZ entry restrictions

      12 January 2022
    Main image

    Hey everyone,

    This is our first Givealittle update. Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed to this page. Words simply cannot describe how much this means to us. We will do everything in our power to make you all proud.

    We are increasing our goal to $25,000. The reason for this is that we are unable to come back into the country straight away due to restrictions on people travelling and coming back into the country. We attempted the MIQ lottery and failed, so we have decided to travel to Europe after IMMAF and get some experience training in different gyms overseas which we believe will be beneficial.

    We are going to make things work with whatever we have raised, and don't expect any of you to donate any more. But anything more you can give is super appreciated so we can pay off our overseas expenses while we wait for self-isolating to open back up in NZ.

    We also have supporter T-Shirts for sale over on We have attached images of what these look like. They cost $50 each, and we do a combined package for $90 so you save $10 by purchasing two T-Shirts. This is another great way to support us.

    We have uploaded a couple videos of us hitting pads with Alex Va yesterday. Check out the latest posts on the Rumble Junction Instagram account to see these. Link -

    Thank you all again!

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