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Help Molly Raise Funds for a New Pool Slide

$4,675 of $6,000 goal
Given by 76 generous donors in over a year

Help Molly raise funds for a new community pool slide!

Carterton, Wellington

Molly O'Dwyer was visiting Carterton's outdoor pool last summer when she noticed hardly any young swimmers choosing to use the slide. "It's closed-in and you either had to go head-first or on your back. If you go head-first you slam your head into the water; if you go on your back, the little ridges on the side, it hurts your back a little, it kind of skins it."

At the suggestion of her mother Amanda O'Dwyer, Molly wrote to Carterton Mayor Greg Lang to ask for an upgrade to the slide because of the current one's poor design and safety issues.

"A couple of days later, in the mail, I got a letter back and that made me feel really good." Greg Lang also suggested she come and speak to the Council about it as part of the Long Term Plan consultation.

To prove it was a concern for youngsters in the area, Molly spoke to her fellow pupils at St Mary's Catholic School and created a petition signed by her peers, teachers, whānau, and school staff. She gathered 91 signatures, about one per cent of the district's total population, and was allowed to stay up late the night before the submissions to put the finishing touches to her presentation.

Knowing how much Carterton loves using the free pools in summer, CDC agreed to donate $10,000 towards a new slide. After a few months of hunting, we've found a good (and affordable) slide and we're ready to start fundraising the remaining amount! Rangatahi to Rangatira Carterton has come on board as a the community fundholder, and is supporting the fundraising effort. We've got a number of fundraising initiatives coming up - keep an eye out in 2022 for ways you can donate towards the slide. Every little bit counts!

Read more of the story here:

About us

Rangatahi to Rangatira (R2R) is a youth-led organisation, that aims to develop young people in Carterton and the wider community. We want to see young people more involved in their community, and empower them to be a force for change.

Use of funds

A new outdoor pool slide for the Carterton community.

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Swimming 10km for Molly's Slide!   19 March 2022

Well done to the 11 swimmers who each swam 10km for Molly's Slide this morning! They started at 7am in the Carterton outdoor pool, with the moon still out and an air temperature of 6degrees! Swim times ranged from 2hrs 42mins to 4hrs and 28 minutes. Such an incredible effort! Thanks to all the helpers for your amazing support for the swimmers.

Thankyou to Scott Harpham, Bridie Allen, Richard Swallow, Richard Parkes, Andy Duncan, Lucy Griffiths, Greg Lang, Ali Gordon, Andrea Borland, Catherine Rossiter-Stead, and Rachael for supporting Molly's Slide with this fundraiser!

This marks the end of our community fundraising thanks to our major sponsors Ka Pai Carterton, Trusthouse Wairarapa, and Carterton District Council. We'll leave the page open for a few more days to catch any last minute sponsor donations. Thankyou so much to everyone who has donated to the cause over the past two months. Time to start installing a slide!

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Latest donations

Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted
Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted on 30 Jun 2023
This donation is from generous donors who opted in to regift their tax credits via TaxGift. Aren’t they awesome!
Louise on 25 Mar 2022
My grandfather Melville King used to swim at the pool in Carterton, and my family have all loved it. I hope this donation helps more families to have lots of happy times at the pool.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 24 Mar 2022
Lucy on 20 Mar 2022
James and William can't wait to try out the new slide. Thanks so much Molly and CDC for this amazing community pool.
Lucy on 19 Mar 2022

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Rangatahi to Rangatira Charitable Trust (Charity)
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This campaign started on 29 Dec 2021 and ended on 30 Jun 2023.