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Help Molly Raise Funds for a New Pool Slide

  • Swimming 10km for Molly's Slide!

      19 March 2022
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    Well done to the 11 swimmers who each swam 10km for Molly's Slide this morning! They started at 7am in the Carterton outdoor pool, with the moon still out and an air temperature of 6degrees! Swim times ranged from 2hrs 42mins to 4hrs and 28 minutes. Such an incredible effort! Thanks to all the helpers for your amazing support for the swimmers.

    Thankyou to Scott Harpham, Bridie Allen, Richard Swallow, Richard Parkes, Andy Duncan, Lucy Griffiths, Greg Lang, Ali Gordon, Andrea Borland, Catherine Rossiter-Stead, and Rachael for supporting Molly's Slide with this fundraiser!

    This marks the end of our community fundraising thanks to our major sponsors Ka Pai Carterton, Trusthouse Wairarapa, and Carterton District Council. We'll leave the page open for a few more days to catch any last minute sponsor donations. Thankyou so much to everyone who has donated to the cause over the past two months. Time to start installing a slide!

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  • 10km swim not far away!

      12 March 2022
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    Greg Lang, Mayor of Carterton, will join 11 other swimmers on Saturday 19 March in a 10km swim to aim to earn the rest of the funds needed. Molly and friends will be there to count the laps.

    And at around 300 lengths – roughly the distance from the Waingawa River to central Carterton - there will be plenty to count.

    “After the fantastic efforts of our community and groups to raise such a tremendous amount in such a short time, we must raise enough to realise Molly’s dream,” Greg said.

    “We would love for our 10km swim to help put the amount over the top and ensure we can provide a new slide, murals, and other good stuff at our much-loved free pools. Thank you Molly, and thank you Carterton!”

    Fellow swimmer Lucy Griffiths said she loves “a good challenge and this one has a great cause linked to it. My young boys and I discovered the Carterton Pool a year ago and we love it on hot afternoons. The three outdoor pools are perfect for the whole whanau. I want to do my bit to support it so that the whole extended community can continue to enjoy it. The wee yellow slide is in constant use but the blue one as Molly rightfully puts it, is unsafe and needs replacing. Bring on the new one!"

    Teammate Ali Gordon said swimming is an important life skill. "When I was about 3 or 4 years old, I recall being thrown into the deeper end of an outdoor pool by my rather tough swim teacher. I had 2 options - sink or swim. I swam. Despite my scary start to swimming, I have always loved being in the water. I especially love swimming under the open sky. I will attempt to swim 10k for Molly and for many other children who will have the opportunity to learn to swim in a fun pool, without the scariness that I had to overcome."

    Bridie Allen, another colleague, said the challenge is a way to give back to the "awesome Carterton community. We are so lucky to have this outdoor swimming facility in our town. My kids and I have spent many hours there, playing, training, learning to swim, and cooling off. Also committing to this event has given me a training goal.”

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  • We've got great news!!

      7 March 2022
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    View video here:

    Ka Pai Carterton’s committee has voted to pledge a sizeable amount towards the slide. More FM Wairarapa’s Brent Gare broke the good news to Molly, alongside Lucy McKenzie, Ka Pai Carterton Community Facilitator, and Rebecca Vergunst, Deputy Mayor of Carterton.

    Molly thanked the community for their efforts in supporting her. “I’m very happy. It shows that you should not be afraid to speak up if you want to see change. Don’t be afraid to step up.”

    Lucy McKenzie, Community Facilitator, Ka Pai Carterton, said Molly’s voice has been heard and supported. "And - with the community's collective funding - it will be actioned. This project provides an excellent example to Carterton rangatahi, providing first-hand experience on how to affect local change.

    “The Ka Pai Carterton committee unanimously supported contributory funding of $42,090 +GST towards this project which highlights Carterton’s community aspirations of nurturing youth, and having more fun stuff to do!"

    Ka Pai Carterton's generous backing also allows for new murals at the pool as part of the funding grant. Youth group Rangatahi to Rangatira Carterton [R2R] will help with the murals project.

    The campaign received another generous grant from Trust House of $10,000, and community fundraising so far has totalled more than $4000. This was on top of welcome support from the Wairarapa business community, who came together to provide some of the sponsorship for the community fundraising. These generous grants have allowed us to lower our community Give A Little goal to $6000 instead of the initial $20,000.

    A big thankyou to everyone who has contributed so far! We've got one more fundraiser - Greg's 10km swim next Saturday!

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  • Mayor Greg & Friends 10km Sponsored Swim

      12 February 2022
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    Just over a month until Mayor Greg Lang and friends swim 10km for Molly’s Slide. Greg has organised a sponsored swim with his training mates (11 confirmed so far!), and Molly + friends will be there to count the laps. That’s around 300 lengths of the Carterton outdoor pool or roughly the distance from Clareville to Greytown! They’ll be in the pool from 7am and it will take a few hours for them to complete. What a great effort! Rain or shine they’ll be out there! We’ll be posting up more info on the swimmers in the coming month, and what is motivating them to swim 10km! Leave them an encouraging message with your donation 😊

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  • Another $500 for the slide!

      31 January 2022
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    A big thankyou to everyone who came and supported our sausage sizzle on Friday! We were blown away with the support and sold out by 6pm. We are very happy to have raised almost $500 towards the slide! Well done Molly, Amanda & Des (proud mum and dad), Harvey, and family members for manning the stand. Watch this space for more fundraisers at the pool.

    A big thankyou to our sponsors for the fundraiser: New World Carterton (sauces and napkins), Premier Beehive (meats), and Walter Findlay (bread).

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  • We've hit $2000!

      14 January 2022
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    Wow!! Thanks so much to everyone who has supported Molly's slide so far! We've been really stoked with the support so far.

    Plus this week we featured on the front-page of the Wairarapa Midweek:

    And Molly and her mum spoke to Brent Gare on MoreFM. Ka rawe! A great first week!

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