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Getting Kids to the Monarch Movie

$389 donated
Given by 7 generous donors in 25 days

Help us get NZ children to see this amazing movie about the spectacular monarch migration before this natural wonder is lost forever.


The monarch butterflies' annual migration to Mexico to overwinter - thousands of kilometres - is one of the wonders of the world. This film from SK Films in Canada tells the story of a single monarch's journey and also the journey of the entomologist who discovered their hideaway. The film will awaken children's curiosity and inspire wonder. Children will learn about nature and geography, history and climate change and environmental risks plus so much more... Teachers are excited at this opportunity for New Zealand children, but to get schools there we will need to subsidise the costs.

Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust's involvement (page creator)

The MBNZT has brought the 3D movie 'FLIGHT OF THE BUTTERFLIES' to New Zealand, knowing how New Zealanders love monarch butterflies (and caterpillars, etc) and learn so much from them. Schools all over the country have heard about and want to see this movie but the cinema complexes think it's not commercially viable and so costs are higher than a blockbuster. We're hoping for your help to get schools there. Every $10 donation will make it possible for another child to see the film for just $5.

About us

The Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust is a registered charity committed to protecting butterflies, moths and their habitats across New Zealand.

Latest donations

Mathew Noonan
Mathew Noonan on 09 Jun 2015
Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust

Awesome, thanks so much.

Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Jun 2015
Good cause.
Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust

Wow, that's terrific. Please tell all your friends and don't forget to share about the movie via your social network too. We're excited about bringing this movie to New Zealand and hope that many will get to see it.

Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust
Rebecca on 05 Jun 2015
Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust

This is fantastic. Please tell all your friends and don't forget to share about the movie via your social network too. We're excited about bringing this movie to New Zealand and hope that many will get to see it.

Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Jun 2015
Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust

Awesome. Please tell all your friends and don't forget to share about the movie via your social network too. We're excited about bringing this movie to New Zealand and hope that many will get to see it.

Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 04 Jun 2015
Best wishes Jacqui xx
Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust

Fantastic, thank you so much. Please tell all your friends and don't forget to share about the movie via your social network too. We're excited about bringing this movie to New Zealand and hope that many will get to see it.

Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust

Who's involved?

Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 4 Jun 2015 and ended on 30 Jun 2015.