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Support our Rescue Puppy after two major surgeries and ongoing vet bills!!!

  • Thank you so so much for supporting our Rusty.

      16 June 2023
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    Rusty is on his way to recovery and will now live a semi normal life, but a happy life. He will always have stiffness and pain and continue his hydrotherapy each month alongside doing his exercises. We can't thank you all enough for your kindness and support financially, and emotionally for those that know us well. We are so grateful for every dollar we have received and it has all gone to his loan or covered one of his hydro treatments. We still have $20.7k to pay off his loan, which we will continue to do each month. But your support adding upto $5.2k for Rusty is just truly incredible, and we will repay this kindness to others in the future.

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  • Rusty is really doing well

      10 June 2023
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    Well with only a few days to go on our Give a Little Page I thought I would give you all an update.

    Rusty is doing well with heaps of energy and keen to play and go walking like any normal dog. He still has severe stiffness in his left leg muscles so continuous walking and hydrotherapy is so important as well as massage.

    Our beautiful rescue puppy has cost us over $35k ($20.7k loan still to be paid) in surgeries & therapy in the 21mnths we have had him, but he is so worth it. We didn't rescue him to end his life at 9mnths old. He is our family and the licks in the morning as you get out of bed, you can't beat that. So sweet and super protective of us all. Totally worth saving his life twice.

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  • Rusty is getting stronger week by week but we stll really need your help!!!!

      11 May 2023
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    Rusty is getting a lot of playtime at home and daycare which is getting him stronger and stronger. He still has a long way to get the right weight balance on all four legs but tug of war is building up his muscle tone and his energy and capabilities are slowly improving. He is continuing his Hydro on a monthy basis which makes a difference, but $140 a session. He is a gorgeous boy trying to be as normal as possible.

    June 15th is when our Give a Little account closes and we still have $21k on our loan to pay .


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  • Rusty still has a lot if strengthening to do!!!

      6 March 2023
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    As the kids have gone back to school, Rustys walks have decreased, with me working from home after school drop offs, evenings are filled with kids activities and he needs to exercise more and more to get his back legs strong. He needs constant massage for all of his four legs which he gets from me two to three times a day. He struggles to sit in the car for too long as his back legs cant hold him.

    He attends daycare once a week, but we need to raise more money to get him to go twice a week with walking groups $110 week, $140 month for hydro and pay off my $21k loan (was $25k) and $4k credit card. We really would love your support to get Rusty stronger.

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  • A little bit weaker over the last few days!!!

      1 February 2023
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    Rusty has really struggled not getting out for his big walks the past few days, with this awful Auckland weather. Struggling to get up and move around. We have done the odd park run around, across the road between showers, but just not enough. He doesn't like the rain. Doing exercises at home to try and help but long walks really is the best thing. Hope this weather does gets better soon, to continue to build up his muscles, making him feel normal again.

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  • Rusty still has a lot of work to do

      29 December 2022
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    Rusty really is showing signs of improvement, he thinks he's back to normal most of the time. We are trying to keep him active not only to lose the weight he put on during two lots of resting after two surgeries, but to keep all of his four legs moving. He is doing well but has a lot of ongoing muscle strength to build in both of his back legs and take the pressure off his front legs. When he gets tired he crosses his back legs over while running which is still a clear sign of lack of muscle strength. He is still going to daycare once a week and loves his days there playing tug of war, which is great for posture and building strength in his legs. As part of our walks it's also important he is in the water using his legs to build up his strength. He has come along way and so so positive but plenty more work to be done.

    We are so grateful for your donations/support that are really assisting with paying for his hydro therapy once a month, and any $ left over onto the loan ($50 or more).

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  • Our boy is doing well

      7 November 2022
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    Rusty is getting stronger every week, hydro is really helping and reduced down to fortnightly. Walking with other dogs and going back to daycare is really strengthening his legs. Just crossing them over a little but believe that will come right.

    We still have a loan of $23k and credit card is looking a bit rough. We still really need your help to cover our old and upcoming appointments. Just desperate to get back on track, but also so good to see his great progress the last few months. His surgery patch on his back now has hair and he thinks he's back to normal. This is all because of the surgery we choose to go ahead with and keep our boy alive.

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  • Slowly slowly

      14 October 2022
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    Rusty is definetly getting better, but all of his legs need to get alot stronger.. His back legs especially but his front too from carrying his weight. We have started little things like a few hours at daycare and increasing his walks in smaller slots. Just trying to get some reality back for him again. He just wants to socialise and play but knows his pain limits. He is getting very clingy at home so need to get him out more. Still have a huge debt to pay for all if his treatment and hydro sessions most weeks, we really would love your support.

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  • Rusty is so grateful for your help!!!

      20 September 2022
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    Thank you so much for your support. Rusty is improving slowly with hydro each week and more walking adventures for upto 20mins a day. The light is at the end of the tunnel and we are nearly halfway. He has plenty more hydro treatments to complete and a lot more strengthening in his legs. Playing ball at the park still not there yet, too painful. We would love your continued support for our Rusty Rescue Puppy 💜 to contribute to our weekly ongoing costs or put towards our massive vet bills still sitting as a $23k loan.

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  • Weekly Hydrotherapy for Rusty

      1 September 2022
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    Rusty had a week off physio/hydro last week due to us all being sick. He headed back to hydro today which he will be attending weekly from now on. This is required to strengthen his back legs so he can eventually walk properly again. Hydro is $140 a session, very kindly had a generous donation to cover this week's session. Feel like we are going backwards covering our bills and just can't get on top of it. The loan of $23k is ticking along with a monthly payment. Rusty just needs your help to cover these weekly appointments and anything left, over $50 we can add to the loan. Please support our gorgeous boy with all that you can give us.

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  • Struggling to get on top financially, Rusty trying to get stronger!!!

      27 August 2022
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    Thank you so much to everyone who has donated it really means alot to us. Rusty is getting there but still struggling with building up muscle again, so his back legs are always very sore. He has put on weight due to resting but we are closely monitoring his diet and exercise to get this back to normal. He is getting plenty of walking and attending hydrotherapy every week now just to get stronger. Our donations have now dried up and our bills are ongoing. We would really still love your assistance to pay off our $23.6k loan and our $140 weekly hydrotherapy. Please help us, every $ counts and would mean so much.

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  • We really would love your support for our ongoing costs for Rusty

      4 August 2022
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    Rusty has been told to get back in to walking a bit more this week to strengthen his hips and legs, which he started off okay, but then took him on a different route for 10mins and it was all too much. Stiff and struggled to get up the stairs to get inside. We need to get him stronger.

    He now has to have weekly appts either physio, laser physio or hydrotherapy alternate weeks for the next few months.

    $175 physio, $95 laser & $150 hydro

    We would love your support to pay off ongoing bills to get Rusty strong and help us with our debt of $24k to pay for our gorgeous rescue puppies surgeries.

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  • Rusty is on track and thank you!!! Still need any support we can get.

      26 July 2022
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    Today we got the great news Rusty is healing the way he should be at his six week check. Still a long few months ahead with caring for him and getting him strong again. Today we paid $930 for scans and physio.

    We also got our first payment of donations from Give a little for the month of June. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated, it means so so much and has helped already.

    $500 I have put a side for Physio

    $1000 went straight on the loan

    $24,000 left on the loan to pay

    This has been the toughest few months of my life caring for such a sweet dog. Still a wee way to go, but the support I have received from friends family & kind donors has meant alot 💕 Thank you thank you🙂

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  • The big day tomorrow!!!

      25 July 2022
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    Sitting here nervously as the six week check up looms for first thing tomorrow morning.

    Feel like he is doing ok and physio exercises are being completed each day.

    So tomorrow is a day of laser physio and scans to see his progress since the second operation.

    Really nervous but a little hopeful at the same time.

    So Scans estimated around $900

    Laser physio of $95

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  • Recovery is hard, along way to go!!!

      20 July 2022
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    Rusty has been struggling since his physio. Really stiff. Physio exercises, massages, small 10 to 15min walks each day. Exhausted after that and wakes up super stiff that it hurts to get up. Each day is a slight improvement but so hard to watch. Hanging out for 6 week check up next week with fingers, arms & toes crossed. Just hope it has worked this time.

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  • Rusty is making slow progress

      14 July 2022
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    Rusty had his 4 Week check up yesterday at VSA to see how he was going after his second surgery. The specialist was happy with his progress but could still see a lot of pressure on his joints and muscles.

    Today he attended his 1st physio appt since the second op. which was a lot for him but slept through some of it and squealed a little with the tension of muscles and joints mainly in his legs. But still on track. Lots more exercises to do at home and a about three follow up session up until about week 12-13. $175 a session.

    Really great progress, but the test will be his 6 weeks scans, once they look inside him to see what's going on. $1200.00

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  • Positive Steps for Rusty!!

      8 July 2022
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    Rusty has really shown progress between this surgery and the first one, nearly walking normally with a few tight inflammation spots across his body to be expected. He is feeling better in the fact he wants to play (not aloud too still, strict rest for another month) and minimal medication is required - anti-inflammatories and joint supplements. We have had to cut down on his meals due to him starting to put on weight which is so bad for hip dysplasia, but still allow him to have a few good treats during the day.

    Unfortunately due to illness we had to rebook his physio for two weeks time.

    We are so so grateful for all of your financial donations, but still have a long way to go not only to pay off our $25k loan and help us with his ongoing care - physio, checkups, scans etc. Next specialist check up on Wednesday this week coming. Fingers crossed progressing well.

    We wouldn't ask normally and thought getting a rescue puppy would be a fabulous thing to do, but this has broken us (we were not putting him down) financially and really need yours and others help.

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  • First Visit Post Surgery

      29 June 2022
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    Rusty went back to the specialist today - the Vets/Specialist have asked to see him every two weeks to make sure he is healing correctly.

    He loved going in the car to get out of the house and managed quite well getting down the stairs and into the car.

    He is definitely walking better since having this second operation a lot less hopping. Little unbalanced.

    They are happy with his progress from the outside, but the next 4-6weeks of rest is essential (rest in his playpen) and for us to continue to do his at home exercises. No jumping while out of the pen. 10 minute slightly active toilet stops. He is getting so bored in the play pen and fully destroying all his toys.

    This week specialist check up -$250.00

    Next Week he starts physio at $210.00 a session

    Two weeks time - back to the surgeon for another checkup $250.00

    Six weeks a full day of scanning - $1000 +

    First loan payment goes out this week and a personal donation received will cover the first payment - so stoked.

    Once Give a Little take their 5% of this months donations, the rest will be paid onto the loan at the end of July once they send the funds through.

    Really love you to share this post and support us through this really hard financial time paying off our rescue puppies vet bills.

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  • Rustys Progress 17/06

      17 June 2022
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    Rusty arrived home last night after two nights stay at the vets after his second surgery. $5020. He is very drowsy and not himself. He is now confined to his play pen and only allowed out to go the toilet. The only thing making him feel a little better is treats, but even they have to be restricted as he can't carry too much extra weight.

    Every 2weeks he will back to see the surgeons/specialists for a check up

    In 3 weeks he will start his ongoing physio appts each week @$210 a session

    In Six weeks time he will back for a full day stay for scanning

    He will be on joint supplements for life $40 a packet per month

    The surgery will cause severe arthritis for Rusty and will need further treatment for that for life.

    I just hope this surgery has worked and in a few months time he will back to being a happy healthy active dog.

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