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Get our Chauffeur driving again!

$6,715 of $12,000 goal
Given by 31 generous donors in around 3 months

Rex is in desperate need of a hip replacement. Urgent action is required as it has been confirmed that he also has a cyst on his hip.

Hastings, Hawke's Bay

You may have come across Rex in your travels to or around Hawke’s Bay. Rex is the face of ‘My Chauffeur’ transport and for years have been loyally serving clients around the region. He is now coping with constant severe pain and having difficulty with daily activities, sleeping and working. He is desperate to get this surgery done so that he can get back to his normal health, in order to be able to continue his services to the region and support his treasured customers.

Rex has investigated options of having this operation carried out in New Zealand, however the time frames are long and unclear. His familial connections to the Philippines has led him to conclude to have the surgery done overseas. Rex, with family support, has identified and approached a hospital in the Philippines to have this surgery done. This can happen almost right away – once he can afford to do it!

Rex and his family are contributing all they can towards expenses but it still leaves them with a hefty shortfall. Whilst Rex would deeply prefer not to call on his friends, acquaintances and associates for help he is now desperate to have the surgery completed in a timely manner.

Rex has always been loyal, trustworthy and more than obliging in serving his customers. He is caring, and so hardworking. Now his community has the opportunity to help him and give a little back. Fundamentally it is sad to think of anyone in this situation and what a loss it would be if Rex had to give up his beloved work completely.

Use of funds

Funds raised will be directed towards surgery and hospitalisation - international/domestic travel, surgery expenses including surgeons, anaesthetist, implant, hospital fees/lab fees, medicine, physiotherapy and living expenses while Rex rehabilitates.

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Kia Ora Family and Friends,

On 6th of September we traveled back to Manila from Bicol upon clearance from his Surgeon. Rex is indeed well on his way to recovery while continuing with his therapy.

However, with no income from My Chauffeur and with the fundraising goal target just over halfway, we are now experiencing financial strife. Though Rex is improving day by day, bills keep coming and some piling up.

So we need your help even just by sharing this page to your friends who may be able to help. Any form of help is greatly appreciated. We don't want to come back faced with all the bills and not able.to concentrate on serving our clients again!

Thank you all and thanks for all the generosity and kindness. All the messages of support, concern and love. Much appreciated. We are truly blessed for being on the receiving end 🙏

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Mark on 16 Sep 2023
Take care Rex.
Clem Jones

Hi Mark, Thanks for your support! Much appreciated.

Clem Jones
Donna and Jason
Donna and Jason on 15 Sep 2023
Hope to see you back on the road again soon.
Clem Jones

Hi Donna and Jason, Thank you so much once again! We are deeply touched by your generosity and concern. Much appreciated.

Clem Jones
Dwight on 26 Aug 2023
Clem Jones

Thank you so much for.your help and support!

Clem Jones
Arianne on 12 Aug 2023
Praying for your fast recovery,tito Rex!
Clem Jones

Thanks so much Ariane! Your support and care is much appreciated! ❤️

Clem Jones
Casey on 04 Aug 2023
All the best Rex and look forward to your speedy recovery. Casey and team xx
Clem Jones

Casey and team, thank you! It's certainly huge for us and we truly appreciate it.

Clem Jones

Who's involved?

Clem Jones's avatar
Created by Clem Jones
Clemen (Baby) & Rex (Norman) Jones's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Clemen (Baby) & Rex (Norman) Jones
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This campaign started on 14 Jul 2023 and ended on 14 Oct 2023.