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Get our Chauffeur driving again!


      14 September 2023
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    Kia Ora Family and Friends,

    On 6th of September we traveled back to Manila from Bicol upon clearance from his Surgeon. Rex is indeed well on his way to recovery while continuing with his therapy.

    However, with no income from My Chauffeur and with the fundraising goal target just over halfway, we are now experiencing financial strife. Though Rex is improving day by day, bills keep coming and some piling up.

    So we need your help even just by sharing this page to your friends who may be able to help. Any form of help is greatly appreciated. We don't want to come back faced with all the bills and not concentrate on serving our clients again!

    Thank you all and thanks for all the generosity and kindness. All the messages of support, concern and love. Much appreciated. We are truly blessed for being on the receiving end 🙏

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      8 August 2023
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    All is well for Rex' surgery last night that started at 6pm (Philippines time), when he was transferred to the operating room. It took a total of just over 6 hours for his surgery and recovery before he was taken back to his room just after midnight. The surgery was successful without any complications.

    Rex is now recuperating but is still on oxygen, drips and a 500cc blood transfusion. He's been asleep most of the day so far but managed to have some light meal and water.

    Thanks to all who've given support in different ways, e.g texts, calls, messages on FB, emails offering their best wishes and the financial support given so his operation will eventuate without delays.

    He still needs a few days stay in the hospital, therapy sessions and medications - then, hopefully sooner than expected, he will be discharged and just continue to heal and recover at home here in the Philippines; until he gets clearance to travel back to NZ.

    We are humbled for everyone's encouragement and support - they are truly much appreciated; it's treasured for a lifetime.

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      6 August 2023
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    Rex, so far, has done all the preliminary checks prior to his scheduled surgery tomorrow. Surgeon, Cardiologist and Anesthetist all came at different times, to introduce themselves and to orient Rex for the procedures during the surgery. It's all going ahead according to plan; however, the big chunk of expense is also needed for this whole week. Indeed, we are so blessed and privileged to have people backing us up financially - without everyone's generosity and love for Rex, we wouldn't be able to cope.

    However, we are just halfway to reach our goal, which is the amount needed to top up the budget shortfall. Today, we have to make a deposit for the operating room and buy all the prescriptions for tomorrow's surgery. Tomorrow, we have to settle in full the total cost of the implant and the professional fees for surgeons, anesthetist. cardiologist. Apart from these, Rex will remain in the hospital for at least a week depending on his body's response, post op. Upon discharge, it would be another big expense as all bills must be settled in full.

    Last but not the least, please join us in prayer for Rex' successful surgery tomorrow, 6pm (Philippines time) which would last for around 3 hours. Thanks once again. We will keep everyone posted.

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      4 August 2023
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    So, prior to our travel to Auckland in preparation for our flight to the Philippines, Rex received a call from Mitchell of Hawkes Bay Today for an interview Re his health predicament. To cut the story short, attached is the copy of the said interview which talked about a bit of everything including the problems in our health system and its implications towards many who are most vulnerable and affected (e.g those needing surgery like in the case of Rex and other patients waiting for their turn to have surgery), the difficulties our aging population are facing, the struggles of small business owners, and the overwhelming support of people behind the fundraising campaign through Givealittle - these are family, friends and clients from all over the world!

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  • Rex' Latest Xray

      18 July 2023
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    Attached is the digital image result of of Rex' Xray. The orthopedic surgeon immediately identified that he needed a total hip replacement. A cyst on his left hip was also visible in the Xray, which really causes him more pain and discomfort.

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  • An Update Re Rex' Surgery

      17 July 2023

    We are about to fly to the Philippines on the 24th July. August 4 Rex will be admitted for the pre-op procedures and August 6 is the scheduled hip replacement operation. This is the best option for him as it means his pain and suffering will not be prolonged and it will be a lot cheaper than doing it privately here (as the way the health system works at the moment, he hasn't even started with step 1 (assessment) which would take 6 months at least of waiting.

    4 months ago, Rex was in a fit and almost perfect condition. No trouble with walking. Now, he cannot walk without the aid of a walking stick; 24/7 in pain and discomfort (paracetamol is not enough); yet, he never stops with what he so love to do - servicing our clients. That's how committed he is! It is sad that our hard work doesn't bring us a windfall of cash - and to make it worse, the government wants to get more from us by demanding we should pay back what they've approved for support during Covid lockdowns (just like so many small businesses - some decided to just quit and close their business). It is a huge toll for a small business like ours and it means all our income just go towards paying creditors including IRD. But we've always believed that "there's a light at the end of the tunnel". "These too, shall pass".

    We are humbled by the love, support and generosity of family, friends, clients and even strangers whom we have never known.

    All that we can express to one and all is: GRATITUDE. Thank you!

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