About Inara: Inara was diagnosed with a Congenital Morgagni Diaphragmatic Hernia at 12 weeks gestation at our first scan and given a 5% chance of her surviving pregnancy let alone birth. She was born early with half a diaphragm and her internal organs developed in the wrong places, her Liver, Bowel and Intestines in her chest cavity crushing her heart and lungs. She survived long enough for the doctors to attempt a reconstruction on day 10 ""Oct 2010""and she pulled through. She had a second surgery to try fix her severe reflux and insertion of a tummy peg to feed her Jan '2011'. She may need ongoing operations as she grows and many more hospital stays. She has had dozens of hospitalisations for pneumonias and other lung related and feeding issues. Inara still even now has only one functioning lung, Pulmonary Hyperplasia, Pulmonary Hypertension, Severe Gastro-oesophogal Reflux, Scoliosis of the spine. And a compromised immune system, which means we don't do a lot or go out to try keep her safe from bugs. Inara also has three other siblings which this affects greatly. She needs to learn to eat to grow as she hasn't for some time as the formula she is on isn't enough for her to thrive. But she cannot tolerate anything else hospital have tried. So a trip to the World Renowned Notube Clinic in Graz is our only option. They have a 96% success rate over the past 20 something years,with babies from all over the world. They teach them how to eat, and why we eat. With specialised Doctors and health professionals 24/7. If we lived in Australia this trip and all costs incurred would be paid for. But because Inara was born here in NZ we have to try fundraise this ourselves. She is such a special and bright little girl with no mental/developmental issues. She does all the normal things a little girl her age does, she just tires easily and drags a feed machine and pole around with her all day. Im pretty positive when she gets eating and puts some beef on, her health and overall quality of life will be so much better. We all deserve the right to eat!!! Inara will turn 2 at the end of Seotember 2012 it would be great if the Neonatal Trust (Canterbury) could help this family acheive their goal to get to this feeding clinic by the end of 2012. Inara is a bright little girl that deserves a better chance of? life? by receiving this treatment to teach her how to eat as there is no reason why she can't. It makes it really hard when things going near her mouth in the past has been very negative touch with many oxygen and feeding tubes not to mention many needles etc that have had to be used on her also. Every Dollar makes a difference and we appreciate any help given to Inara.