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Newlands Intermediate- Run4Us Fundraiser

  • Time for an update

      29 April 2019

    Dear Give a Little community,

    Thank you for all your generous donations.

    Give a little has enabled us to reach out to friends and families around the world. Our Goal for Run for Us is NZD $26,000.

    With our combined cash donations we have just passed NZD $23,000.

    Thank you.

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  • Video of the day

      26 March 2019

    Hi everybody.

    Thanks for all your wonderful donations.

    Here is a short video of the day. We had a blast!

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  • The length of New Zealand is 1600km...

      26 March 2019

    And we have smashed that total!.

    Astonishingly, The length of the Amazon river is 6,400 km, and we have obliterated that total! With 95% of the distance cards counted the students of Newlands Intermediate have collectively walked 8,982 km! My Mind is Blown! Congratulations Everyone!

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  • 2 minutes of silence with Newlands College

      22 March 2019
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    The Nation came to a standstill today to pay our respects to the Muslim community and to stand in solidarity with all New Zealanders. Here is our contribution.

    Kia Kaha ( be strong, Keep going)

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  • Friday 22 March 2:30pm

      22 March 2019
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    Ladies and Gentlemen. I give you your FULL MARATHON runners.

    Congratulations, you are an inspiration to everyone that knows you. Thank you for being wonderful role models for our school.

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  • Friday 22 March 2:30pm

      22 March 2019
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    What an amazing day! An unprecedented number of kids have run a half marathon or more. Congratulations to all of the kids in this picture! There is over 200 of them!

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  • View from above

      22 March 2019
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    The Students have beaten a track into the bottom field.

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  • Ngā Wawata styles

      22 March 2019
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    Girls from Ngā Wawata having fun in the sun.

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  • Friday 22 March 12:30pm

      22 March 2019
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    It's a beautiful day here in Wellington and we are up for our highest ever kilometres.

    Already 60 of our students have ran / walked a HALF MARATHON.

    We celebrated by writing their names on a box!!!

    ( no expense spared! )

    Congratulations to these students.

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  • Newlands Run for Us Sponsor

      22 March 2019
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    A special thank you to Antoinette and family from the Animal Medical Centre for sponsoring Breakfast.

    "Our army marches on its stomach!"

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  • Friday 22 March 9:30am

      22 March 2019
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    Tūmanako syndicate showing their colours!

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  • Friday 22 March 9:30am

      22 March 2019
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    A big thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to help out today. We couldn't run this event without you.

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  • Friday 22 March 7:30am

      22 March 2019
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    Newlands Intermediate Run4Us has begun!

    We would like to thank all the generous people from all over the world who have donated and given "shout outs" to their family running today.

    We have been checking in regularly and your support is appreciated.

    Nga Mihi Nui

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