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Newlands Intermediate- Run4Us Fundraiser

$7,077 of $26,000 goal
Given by 139 generous donors in 11 weeks

We are fundraising to expand our STEAM curriculum and provide EOTC opportunities for all students.


Newlands Intermediate School annual “Run for Us” event will be held this year on Friday 22 March 2019.

This is a major fundraising event for our school but just as importantly it provides an opportunity for our students to set goals focussed on a physical activity, it encourages community participation in a fun event and fosters one of our core school values – participation and effort.

Our fundraising efforts this year are focussed on providing new and good quality sports and recreation equipment, and providing equal opportunities for all students to participate in school- wide events, upgrading musical instruments, purchasing sewing machines and AR/VR equipment to broaden our curriculum.

This year we have set our circuit at 500m which means that our students will be able to complete measurable distances in kilometres i.e. 2 laps = 1 kilometre, 42 laps = 21km - a half marathon!

Students will run or walk throughout the day and keep a tally of how many laps they have achieved.

Please consider sponsoring one of our students as recognition of the distance they will cover or simply make a donation.

About us

Situated in the Northern suburbs of Wellington. We encourage personal excellence, self-management, resilience and resourcefulness.

We value commitment, effort, honesty, care for others, self-discipline and respect for ourselves and the environment.

Use of funds

Providing new and good quality sports and recreation equipment, equal opportunities for all students to participate in school- wide events, upgrading musical instruments, purchasing sewing machines and AR/VR equipment to broaden our curriculum.

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Latest update

Time for an update  29 April 2019

Dear Give a Little community,

Thank you for all your generous donations.

Give a little has enabled us to reach out to friends and families around the world. Our Goal for Run for Us is NZD $26,000.

With our combined cash donations we have just passed NZD $23,000.

Thank you.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 12 May 2019
The London Bonds
The London Bonds on 02 May 2019
Calum Martin-Bond......Room 14 Well run Calum! Belated congratulations and all in a good cause! Hope you all get lots of new equipment ...especially musical instruments!
Sasha Gluyas Room 7
Sasha Gluyas Room 7 on 01 May 2019
Sasha Gluyas Room 7
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 Apr 2019
from Alex Mabey
from Alex Mabey on 30 Apr 2019
all donations collected - you guys ran amazing!!!!

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Newlands Intermediate School (School)
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A registered school has legal recognition which comes with reporting and review requirements.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 1 Mar 2019 and ended on 22 May 2019.