Newtown Community Centre needs you!

$1,460 donated
Given by 19 generous donors in 2 years

We need your help to make our new upgraded community centre a great resource for the whole community!


The Newtown Community Centre is all about all things Newtown! As well as hiring venues to the community (7 different spaces including a community theatre), we run a range of activities/initiatives such as…

• Newtown Tool Library (it’s just what it sounds like, a library for tools!

• Free soup Fridays (eating noms together & connecting community) & a free hangout space for tea and coffee

• Wash against Waste (keeping your events/parties/dinners waste free)

• Programmes for youth (with a cheap as chips school holiday programme)

• Artist in Residence programme (check out Mire on insta @mira_a_mire)

• Smart Newtown (free internet access and computer classes

• Wellington Timebank - a community of people who share their skills for time instead of money (

• $2 exercise classes

• The Newtown News, our lil community zine by Newtowners for Newtown

• And heapppps more!

We’re pretty stoked that our main community space, on the corner of Colombo & Rintoul Streets, is getting a big ol’ upgrade! The project is funded for $3.4million bucks by the Wellington City Council (thanks, WCC!) but this is for the bricks and mortar, so while we’re gonna have a flash community centre in March 2022, we really need your help to put some stuff in it!! The new community centre has been planned with the community in mind and through consultation, and will be much more fit for purpose - with a lift to the upstairs so everything is accessible, a community theatre fit for gigs, theatre shows and community events, a ‘messy room’ where art stuff can happen, and lots more.

So if you’ve had a party here, come to a community event, watched a theatre show, been to a gig, learned something at a workshop, eaten some free soup, done your downward facing dog for a mere $2, like our kaupapa or would like to use the centre in the future, PLEASE chuck a few bucks in! We’re going to be applying for grants, but it would mean a lot to get our community’s support as well.

Any money we raise will go towards things like:

- Lights, sound gear, a projector and curtains for our community theatre, without these it’s a just a hall with a stage and an empty lighting box!

- New chairs - ours are falling apart and aren’t worth the money it’ll take to keep them in storage!

- New tables (we don’t have enough for the re-designed space as there are now more rooms to fill)

- Couches for our new bright, light drop-in centre, where peeps can come, hangout and have a free cuppa.

We’ve lost loads of income (cheers, global pandemic!) and will continue to lose income as we’re closed for a year, making it pretty hard to be able to rustle this stuff up. This might not seem like the most exciting fundraiser ever, but our centre supports a lot of other charities, local community groups and local people and we need to be resourced to be able to do that properly!

- We want that punk-rock fundraiser gig for Rape Crisis to have a basic PA system to use.

- We want those local artists to put on that koha entry shadow puppet show for Newtown kids to have basic stage lights they can use.

- We want that not-for-profit group to be able to put on a fundraiser movie night without having to hire a projector and separate projector screen.

- We want the community dinner where all locals gather to enjoy sitting on some sturdy chairs that stack out of the way when community yoga is happening!

We want to keep our spaces affordable to our hirers – so we need ya help!

Give us some love on Facebook ( or if you’re a Newtown local sign up to our fortnightly newsletter to get the goss on what’s on ( You can check out more about the renovations here:

About us

We're a thriving community centre - with 8 venues available to hire. We also run loads of community development projects such as Wellington Timebank, Smart Newtown, programme's for youth and Newtown Tool Library!

Use of funds

Putting things in the community centre that make it useful, instead of an empty box. Making our space accessible and rad for community events, fundraisers, gatherings and all sorts of other things!

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Latest update

Update image

We're so close to the renovation being completed!  8 February 2023

Our upgrade project is charging ahead at full pace, with many of the walls up – it’s really looking like a community centre! It's so close to being done! The building team are hoping to hand over the keys to Wellington City Council (WCC) sometime in mid-February – that means we’ll get access sometime after that (cos we’re separate from WCC, we are a private trust who work in partnership with WCC).

It’ll take us a while to sort out the venue, create new health/safety plans, create new systems, get all our services connected, move in, hang artwork, book in activities – all that good stuff… with that in mind we don’t have a firm date for when we will close up Green street (which has been our temporary home for over a year) and then when we will reopen Colombo/Rintoul.

As we're still working with some unknown timelines - we are expecting that we'll be reopening the renovated centre in mid/late April... It’s a huge task and we’re a small team with other things on too! We are hoping that Covid or other events don’t get in the way and create further delays in the timeline – but this is something that could occur. We’ll keep you updated here and in other communications such as our E-newsletter. You can sign up for our E-newsletter here:

We've also been asking our community for some help with some items they might have sitting around ready to go to an op-shop, list on FB market place. Maybe you'd like to look at our wishlist and see if you could help us in this way? . We will be a bit fussy about the types of furniture we want to take – as we want to match the style of the building and keep it classy (free couches aren’t hard to come by, but often they are pretty junky – not funky)! Please get in touch if you have something you think will enhance our space for everyone to be able to enjoy.

Enjoy the updated pictures and hope you had a happy holiday (if you got one!)

Kia pai ō koutou raumati !

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Latest donations

Everybody's Clothes Swap
Everybody's Clothes Swap on 13 Apr 2023
From Everybody's Clothes Swap Fundraiser :-)
Amber on 28 Feb 2023
so stoked to have the community centre back open again!
Newtown Community & Cultural Centre

We're excited too - thanks! We can't wait to get it ready and show you :)

Newtown Community & Cultural Centre
Trish on 22 Feb 2023
Amazing - So glad to be able to support your move back. Looking forward to popping in very soon ..
Newtown Community & Cultural Centre

Thank so much for your support Trish! x

Newtown Community & Cultural Centre
Simon on 11 Feb 2023
Looking forward to seeing you back in the upgraded community centre :-)
Newtown Community & Cultural Centre

Thanks Simon - appreciate your donation, We're pumped to share it with everyone.....sooon....!

Newtown Community & Cultural Centre
Ohana on 02 Aug 2022
Used to come to a drumming class here, and had my 30th birthday on the hall. Good memories, good times, stoked to support renovation!
Newtown Community & Cultural Centre

Thank you so much - very generous of you :)

Newtown Community & Cultural Centre

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Newtown Community & Cultural Centre (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 16 Mar 2021 and ended on 30 Apr 2023.