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Nigel needs Jenni, and Jenni needs our help

$4,625 of $20,000 goal
Given by 76 generous donors in around 3 months

We want to alleviate Jenni's stresses by raising funds to help support her through what could be a long journey, so she can focus on Nigel.

Nelson / Tasman

August 15th our friend Nigel wasn't well so went home from work to rest. He was urged to get to the hospital by his boss. Nigel in typical fashion, not wanting to be a bother drove himself in. They discovered he was having a heart attack.

Wednesday morning they performed an angiagram and discovered his two left arteries were severely damaged. He suffered a 2nd heart attack during the procedure and was put into a coma.

He and Jenni were flown from Nelson to Wellington hospital on Wednesday evening by Life Flight where Jenni was told not to expect him to survive the night.

This was absolutely devastating news for Jenni who was all alone to process this nightmare. It is a mind numbing situation for her and Jaydon, who can only support his mother for a short time as he needs to be working.

Nigel has miraculously made it through the weekend, he is still in a coma. They have tried to lessen his sedation several times. He was able to breathe on his own but was extremely distressed so was sedated more heavily again.

The unknown is will his heart will be able to cope when he is brought fully to a conscious state?

The prognosis is very tenuous and he is in a critical state.

Raewyn Bostic-Shand's involvement (page creator)

Jenni is my best friend. She and Nigel are our close friends

Use of funds

Jenni needs to be with Nigel but is also facing extreme financial worries with neither of them working.

The money will be used to help cover household mortgage & bills, to cover her Wgtn expenses & accommodation. The hospital only pays a small portion.

Latest update

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Thank you for Second Chances  18 September 2023

Today is Nigel's birthday.

Today we celebrate Life!

Just a month ago we didn't think he was going to be with us to celebrate. To say that we are all incredibly grateful is an understatement.

Jenni & Nigel are very thankful for all the support given from friends, family and complete strangers to them both, financially and in all the other ways you have reached out and loved on them during this very stressful and tenuous time.

Nigel is doing great

He is sleeping well - a wonderful post op side effect for Jenni is that he is no longer snoring :-)

He is having day naps as he tires easily, doing little walks everyday to build up strength and stamina

And he is enjoying his visitors - just reiterating though that calling/messaging first is essential please.

The Occupational Therapist calls and checks on him.

Nigel has as check up with his Cardiologist in 5weeks

Jenni is back at work, relaxing a bit more and is out swimming again

Thank you all for your support. It has been so appreciated and has alleviated some of the stress Jenni was under by covering a lot of her living costs throughout these past weeks whilst she has been in Wellington.

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Sep 2023
Wishing you all the very best.
Jenni & Nigel Phillips

Thankyou so very much ❀

Jenni & Nigel Phillips
Delia on 05 Sep 2023
Thinking of you all and sending you loads of love and hugs. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery Nigel. Keep the faith Jenni, Nige and Jaydon xx
Jenni & Nigel Phillips

Thankyou so very much ❀

Jenni & Nigel Phillips
Briar on 05 Sep 2023
Jenni & Nigel Phillips

Thankyou so very much ❀

Jenni & Nigel Phillips
Jo on 31 Aug 2023
So glad that you are on the mend Nigel, lots of positive thoughts and prayers went your way. Hoping things continue going well for your upcoming care. Love cousin Jo and Ethan and Bella.
Jenni & Nigel Phillips

Thankyou so very much πŸ’“

Jenni & Nigel Phillips
Andrea on 27 Aug 2023
Jenni & Nigel Phillips

Thankyou so very much ❀

Jenni & Nigel Phillips

Who's involved?

Raewyn Bostic-Shand's avatar
Created by Raewyn Bostic-Shand
Jenni & Nigel Phillips's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Jenni & Nigel Phillips
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This campaign started on 21 Aug 2023 and ended on 21 Nov 2023.