Thank you for Second Chances
18 September 2023Today is Nigel's birthday.
Today we celebrate Life!
Just a month ago we didn't think he was going to be with us to celebrate. To say that we are all incredibly grateful is an understatement.
Jenni & Nigel are very thankful for all the support given from friends, family and complete strangers to them both, financially and in all the other ways you have reached out and loved on them during this very stressful and tenuous time.
Nigel is doing great
He is sleeping well - a wonderful post op side effect for Jenni is that he is no longer snoring :-)
He is having day naps as he tires easily, doing little walks everyday to build up strength and stamina
And he is enjoying his visitors - just reiterating though that calling/messaging first is essential please.
The Occupational Therapist calls and checks on him.
Nigel has as check up with his Cardiologist in 5weeks
Jenni is back at work, relaxing a bit more and is out swimming again
Thank you all for your support. It has been so appreciated and has alleviated some of the stress Jenni was under by covering a lot of her living costs throughout these past weeks whilst she has been in Wellington.