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Nigel needs Jenni, and Jenni needs our help

  • Thank you for Second Chances

      18 September 2023
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    Today is Nigel's birthday.

    Today we celebrate Life!

    Just a month ago we didn't think he was going to be with us to celebrate. To say that we are all incredibly grateful is an understatement.

    Jenni & Nigel are very thankful for all the support given from friends, family and complete strangers to them both, financially and in all the other ways you have reached out and loved on them during this very stressful and tenuous time.

    Nigel is doing great

    He is sleeping well - a wonderful post op side effect for Jenni is that he is no longer snoring :-)

    He is having day naps as he tires easily, doing little walks everyday to build up strength and stamina

    And he is enjoying his visitors - just reiterating though that calling/messaging first is essential please.

    The Occupational Therapist calls and checks on him.

    Nigel has as check up with his Cardiologist in 5weeks

    Jenni is back at work, relaxing a bit more and is out swimming again

    Thank you all for your support. It has been so appreciated and has alleviated some of the stress Jenni was under by covering a lot of her living costs throughout these past weeks whilst she has been in Wellington.

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  • Surgery done & dusted - and Home!!!

      8 September 2023
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    Nigel had his surgery on Thursday afternoon. It took a couple of hours and all went well. They inserted 1 stent in circumflex to open these vessels

    They have the before and after pictures - a vast difference!

    The best news is!!

    After 3.5 weeks of touch and go stress and trauma Nigel has just been discharged from Wellington Hospital as at 4pm today Friday 8 Sept :-)

    They are now waiting for the taxi to take them to the airport to fly home tonight

    There is so much joy in this update :-)

    Nigel is off work for a minimum of 4 weeks and on very light duties, no arm lifting, no heavy lifting, walking carefully and not strenuously - gradually building up his strength

    Jenni is itching to get back to work as you can imagine but her first concern is Nigel's well being.

    If anyone wishes to visit he will be home but they are asking if you would call or message first as he will be needing a lot of R&R

    Jenni & Nigel are so appreciative of all the donations given via this page. I know how much it has cost her to be in Wellington with Nigel and these donations have gone quite a ways towards covering her expenses.

    Thank you on their behalf x

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  • Thursday 7th Sept - imminent surgery

      7 September 2023

    Prof. Scott Harding, the cardiologist who is dealing with Nigel's case now, has just visited Nigel & Jenni. He is NZ's most highly qualified cardiologist who deals with the very complex of cases so they are in good hands.

    He said he is working slowly, methodically and properly as this case cannot be rushed.

    Hence the massive amount of very stressful waiting for Jenni & Nigel over the past few days / weeks.

    The cardiac MRI that they did on Tuesday shows the artery they had planned to put the stent in is too damaged so they cannot do that.

    They are now prepping Nigel for surgery to try and put stents in another artery.

    As there is a smudgy area on the MRI they cannot see the damage there clearly so they plan to put a camera in to look and see whats going on whilst they are doing the stent surgery.

    They are prepping him for this afternoon, but if the surgeon cannot get cover for his clinicals today then he will be performing the surgery tomorrow morning.

    As you can imagine - this is extremely worrisome for Jenni as she is waiting to see what eventuates.

    Please keep them both close to your hearts during this time

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  • Thursday update from Nigel

      1 September 2023

    Meeting with Dr today plan is to have advanced cardiac MRI on Tuesday to see if stents or open heart surgery suits me better. I am high risk for open heart surgery as my heart is damaged and week. It seems I not only have calcium build up but also a tear in the main artery. Soooo more waiting and hopefully Tuesday afternoon I find out what they are going to do. All your support has been awesome for both me and Jen and Jaydon.

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  • Waiting.....

      30 August 2023

    Nigel is biding time as you do in the medial system here

    Lots and lots of waiting around for Jenni.

    Jaydon has gone back to work so she is on her own again but is feeling more confident in finding her way from accommodation to & from hospital now.

    The care Nigel received in ICU was exemplary. He is now in the cardiac ward and things are back to the basics of NZ health care.

    They are trying to keep Nigel's BP up and even as it keeps dropping and he needs it stable for surgery.

    He is going to have to have open heart surgery and on Friday they will hopefully find out how, where & when the necessary double or triple bypass surgery will be performed.

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  • Sunday night update from Jenni

      27 August 2023
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    Saturday 26th

    Nige has had a great sleep last night he looks a lot better, we are missing the stories though 🤣

    He's got a walker so will do a little walk with him around the ward he managed a little one Friday. Today Nigel walked with a walker about 40/50m with Jenni's assistance - he was shattered!

    Dr was very impressed.

    Sunday 27th

    Nigel managed a walk without the walker today!

    Plan for this coming week

    Angiogram sometime before Friday

    Doctors get together Friday to discuss the plans

    They hopefully find out Friday evening how & what Drs decide is best future options for Nigel moving forward

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  • Nigel has woken up!

      24 August 2023
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    Tuesday 22nd August

    Nigel was finally lifted out of his coma. Such a relief for Jenni & Jaydon to be able to talk with him even if he was suffering from coma sedation delirium - that did cause a few giggles and it was lovely to hear Jenny laugh again. Nigel wanted a beer - he doesn't drink beer! He wanted water but couldnt drink as it choked him. Was able to take some shaved ice.

    Wednesday 23rd August

    A big day - exhausting for them all. Nigel saw the speech therapist and physiotherapist. He was able to have some water and yoghurt.

    Jenni & Jaydon were moved to another hotel 1.6km from the hospital so they are enjoying the walk, time away from the hospital.

    Thursday 24th August

    Nigel is being moved to the cardiologist ward today. Lots of tests being done however the angiogram is being delayed a few days as he is not physically able to have that procedure yet. Understandably Jenni is extremely nervous about this procedure as he suffered a massive heart attack during the last one.

    His heart still has blockages that need to be dealt with but can only be done when he is strong enough.

    He has had no sleep for the past 2 nights and is exhausted, but more himself today.

    Update today is that they will be in Wellington for another couple of weeks at least.

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