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Help save Northcote Point and Westhaven

on 26 Aug 2016

daniel asks

Congradulations giving up on this little campagin.. Comparing normal usage to a once in a year major event is silly. To see what of 2-3000 normal cyclists per day looks like, search youtube for "Market st multimodalable"

Note how the rest of the road is normal traffic, no need to have ambulances and firecrews on standby to cycle in america.

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on 26 Aug 2016

daniel asks

Congradulations giving up on this little campagin.. Comparing normal usage to a once in a year major event is silly. Heres a video of 2-3000 normal cyclists per day looks like:

Note how the rest of the road is normal traffic, no need to have ambulances and firecrews on standby to cycle in america.

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on 26 Aug 2016

daniel asks

Congradulations giving up on this little campagin.. Comparing normal usage to a once in a year major event is silly. Heres a video of 2-3000 normal cyclists per day looks like:

Note how the rest of the road is normal traffic, no need to have ambulances and firecrews on standby to cycle in america.

This question has not been answered yet.

on 6 Jul 2016

Julian asks

This page is absolutely pathetic, begging for funds on an issue to protect a wealthy few - to the detriment of all Aucklanders...

If only the NRA would expend this sort of effort on the real issues in New Zealand.

It's a shame a greedy few would try and stand in the way of something that would make Auckland a much better city.

Northcote Residents Association

If you refer to the video, it depicts exactly the patronage use-rate currently approved by the project's resource consent - which happens to be the same density of patronage it needs every summer weekend day, for its claimed financial viability. Except that the current resource consent is for 4-way traffic (ie pedestrians both ways and cyclists both ways) rather than the cyclist-only, one-way traffic shown in the video.

I don't know where you live, but I'd bet plenty, that your neighbourhood could not cope with the crowd shown on the video, squeezed along your footpath, going four-ways, every summer weekend day.

The access footpath to SkyPath at Northcote Point is 2.3 metres wide, and cannot be widened. The access path to the filmed event, consumed a 15 metre wide road - packed, for hundreds of metres.

So, not the greedy few but rather, far too few attempting to bring sanity to a pathetically naive proposal, which proposal is set to needlessly cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

Your dollars, if you are a ratepayer.

Your child's palpable danger too, if you are a parent.

if only people could await the next Harbour crossing, they'd have a far better pathway, with pedestrians and cyclists safely separated, run by experts instead of entrepreneurial amateurs, at no cost.

Our proposal would make Auckland a much better city, whether you are capable of seeing that or not.

Northcote Residents Association
on 5 Jul 2016

Dan asks

Why are your statistics (34,000 users a day per "Museum ANZAC day crowds, source: ) so different to the official Skypath statistics - even assuming you're using their year 20 figures, I can't make your figures match unless I assume 0 visits all Autumn and Winter, and near-zero visitors in Spring, and 100% of visitors cycle but only take a one-way journey... What assumptions did you make to get to your figures, or where did you get your figures from?

Northcote Residents Association

You have taken the Anzac day attendance for a very special anniversary and record breaking attendance. When we started analysing SkyPath's statistics in 2013, Mr. Lapanivich, the Museum's Visitor Services Manager, advised that the peak visitor day of the year for the Museum was Anzac day, with attendances of between 12,000 - 15,000 - a bit less than the averaged Eden Park attendances you might be surprised to know.

As to visitor numbers on the SkyPath, the Trust's traffic engineers confirmed that visitor numbers at Northcote Point would be approximately 13,000 every summer weekend day (year 5) which equates to approximately 20,000 every summer weekend day year 20 - which validates the comparison you referred to.

You will note that we referred to "every summer weekend day", not Autumn, Winter or Spring during the week, all of which are irrelevant when assessing peak loading - particularly when peak loading is claimed to last all summer.

You have included the Trust's version of its "business case" as a reference. If you seek any reliable facts, the Trust is precisely the last source you should ever refer to. For instance, its referenced "business case" claims that the cost of the SkyPath is $33M, including bridge strengthening. The figure they have quoted hasn't changed much in the three years we have been acquainted with the Trust's figures, yet the structure has changed in that time from aluminium to exotic fibre construction, which pretty well everyone knows is wildly more expensive than aluminium. That is why few yachts other than Americas Cup yachts are constructed in exotic fibre. Additionally, that "business case" claims that SkyPath will cost $33M, including bridge strengthening. If you want to make a quick million, wage a million dollar bet with Morrisons, (the Trust's financier ) that the SkyPath construction cost, including Bridge strengthening, is $33M. You'll have a very safe bet indeed. You'd still be very safe at $66M.

Northcote Residents Association

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