A MRI for Nick

$2,060 of $1,400 goal
Given by 20 generous donors in 7 weeks

During a battle with MS there have been numerous costs involved. the latest is a private MRI. Please help me get this MRI


As part of my battle with MS my Neurologist is working towards getting me into a drug programme, however despite his insistance that the sooner the better is important given my current symptoms and regularity of attacks, the DHB still hasn't even booked my second MRI more than a month down the track. To speed things up I'd like to get the MRI privately however our current financial situation with extra Doctors costs and medications etc doesn't allow it. Hopefully we can get help from around the region.

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Latest update

Treatment Update  28 March 2015

Hi Everyone, I just want to post an update to ensure full clarity on what's happening with the raised funds. At this point I have an application in with the MS treatment commitee for approval to start the MS drug Copaxone, The doctor was 50/50 on whether they would approve without the second MRI so waiting to hear on that. They meet every 2 weeks. If they approve the treatment without the second MRI I will be talking to you guys about the funds, if people are not happy for them to go towards other facets of treatment I will arrange refunds, otherwise I may look at investing in a replacement fridge as our small fridge has the fridge at the bottom and is very small, with Copaxone I will be recieving injections which need to be refridgerated and I want them to be out of reach of my kids. But thats getting ahead of ourselves anyway. Just wanted to ensure everyone knew where we are at and that I am committed to ensuring the raised funds get used as intended. Thanks, Nick

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Donna Thompson -midwife
Donna Thompson -midwife on 04 Apr 2015
Nick Perkins

Thanks so much Donna. We really appreciate it

Nick Perkins
Theresa and Shane
Theresa and Shane on 12 Mar 2015
All the best Nick and Danielle xx
Nick Perkins

Thank you very much Theresa and Shane, We really appreciate it :-)

Nick Perkins
Selena, Andy, Peyton
Selena, Andy, Peyton on 12 Mar 2015
Nick Perkins

Thank you so much Selena, Andy and Peyton :-) I know how much a little one can cost so really appreciate you donating. Means a lot to us all

Nick Perkins
Suzie on 11 Mar 2015
So pleased to help such a special person and awesome family, even the dog!
Nick Perkins

Amazing Suzie, Thank you so much :-)

Nick Perkins
J S on 10 Mar 2015
Nick Perkins

Wow thanks J & P S, I really appreciate all your help and support that you've given me right through!

Nick Perkins

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Nick Perkins
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This campaign started on 8 Mar 2015 and ended on 30 Apr 2015.